So as the herds of cars and suvs move light to light and want to accelerate past you only to rush to light and slow down hard wait there. Mean while you pulse and glide with good timing as the light turned green and you didn't even have to uses your brake hehe. So now they are off again and one in the heard wants to go 20 miles over the limit to beat the light which he did but where did he go? Well I guess he wasn't able to make the next light after that as I met him again and pulsed and glide past them all on a turn. 20 miles later I showed 66mpg.
Unfortunately, that good habit won't ensure you hit all the greens. I got hit by 2 reds at the most inopportune of times and had to slam the brakes harder than I would've liked on a recent trip back home.
I find consolation in knowing that on those rare BAD occassions, I "ONLY" get 40+ MPG vs 50-60. It's nice to have one's eyes opened to consumption. Now when people pass me in a rush of road rage, I feel absolutely no aggression I just laugh at their 12-16 MPG.