Hi Everyone...here I am again~ The radio died, I thought a fuse, no. The Toyota Dealer thought a new radio was needed. He installed the radio last night, only to look further and inform me -- a mouse had been chomping on my radio wire that leads to the antenna. He then gave me a $700.00 quote. I can not afford that type of repair. My regular mechanic won't touch this. How can I find a qualified mechanic to work on the radio wiring? (looking up Toyota Prius repair on Google only throws me right back to dealers) Right now I have a guy who restores cars who is willing to look at it... but its far from a model T.. ??? I'm in Akron Ohio and will take any suggestions.
Take it to a car audio store, it should take too much trouble to fix it, nor $700 to correct a antenna cable, For $700 you could have a new head unit put in. Oh yeah, get rid of the mouse first!
I hear mice are scared of owls... I'm considering supergluing a large plastic owl as my hood ornament--lol. Thanks for suggestion!
The Update-- Do you know I can not find one audio/electric repair shop willing to touch my Prius (I gave up after calling 10). Really disappointing. Seems either I pay $700 or I can't get the radio working again. For now, I don't have $700 to spare. oh well
You can pull the head unit out and look for the antenna cable, strip the wire back and connect them together. It is not the critical of a job. You may need to know where the cut is in reference to the head unit.