I want to replace 2007 base radio to 2008 Prius radio. My original 2007 radio plays only audio CD (pictutre attached). New 2008 Prius radio plays MP3 and has AUX (picture attached). After I installed new unit it works - at least radio. MAIN QUESTION: I want to use AUX and I do not want to buy a special kit for it for $152 at Car Toys. How to connect 3.5mm jack to new stereo?
I have posted a little guide on how to do what you want without having to buy any 3rd party devices... Good luck.
One more question: how to use AUX on base radio unit? Do I have to press any buttons or just hook up any MP3 players?
The base radio does not have AUX or MP3 capability. Even if you connected AUX wiring to your 2007 radio it will not work. On the other hand adding AUX wiring to the 2008 radio will work. You press the button on the radio that says DISC/AUX and the AUX will work. Hope this helps.
I have a '08 Prius. Touring edition. It has an AUX input, but the radio doesn't have an AUX button. The previous owner wanted a tape deck more. So how do I go about fixing this? Can I switch the radio out to get the AUX button, or can I switch the tape button to activate the AUX input? Thanks for any help.
Can you explain a little bit more? Are you saying the previous owner swapped out the original radio for one with a tape deck? Is it a Toyota unit or a 3rd party unit? Thanks.
Yes, they swapped it with another Toyota unit. One with the cassette player. When it originally had come with aux. So I still have the input in the center console. It's just the radio has a tape button instead of an aux button.
I'm thinking you are out of luck with the existing radio. If there is no AUX button, then it doesn't have that capability built in. Choices are: buy an aftermarket AUX adapter that works with your radio, buy a replacement Toyota radio that has AUX capability (Ebay), buy a 3rd party radio that gets you lots of goodies in addition to AUX. Good luck!