first off every dealer i speak with in the vancouver b.c. area here r clueless when they r recieving the 2006,s and the packages available. No one seems to know if leather is even an option!!!!!! Anyone know if it will be offered up here??? Also has anyone imported a usa spec prius? was it hard and what has to be done. im looking for fully loaded 2006 prius with leather. the list price here is ridiculous over usa pricing,, we r paying 5000 more than the usa,, crazy!!! and with our dollar rapidly rising its going to become a greater difference......... economically its a bad choice for me to buy a prius but i dont want to settle for a smaller gas guzzling car. there arnt that many options but getting a prius is such a hurdle its like there are so many forces against getting one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont want to give in and settle for a matrix or new civic! grrrrrrrrrrr
Welcome, Nendo. From your first post, I'm guessing you're in Vancouver, BC. Putting your location in your profile will help you get Canadian answers.
Have you tried going through the "Build your own" process: Toyota Canada It appears that you can only get 3 packages: the BASE package, or 2 high-end packages. I'd try it, and see if the dealer contacts you.
I am sure you will find that there are indeed only three packages in Canada and leather is not available. This is consistent with the 2005 offerings as well. It is also the case even with in the three packages (the most expensive of which is roughly the equivalent of package 7 in the US) some of the flexibility is not available (for example in Barcelona Red you do not get a grey option on the upholstery only the bisque is available. I am also certain you will find that it is not goijng to be economical to try to import a new car from the United States. The Auto Pact treaty between the two countries ensures that the two markets stay separate. If you find differently I'd like to know. My Toyota dealership indicated that Toyota Canada is only 50% owned by Toyota and that the apparent profit being seen on the exchange etc. with Canadian prices reflects two profit takers at the top. small consolation.
Yeah, we don't get the leather option. Most of the $500 increase for 2006 goes towards the backup camera (i.e. the base model rises by $500 but the nav pack with the new backup camera only rises by a measly $15 so basically everyone's paying for the new backup camera. I haven't seen any 2006s on dealer lots yet either. Nendo, don't forget our $2,000 PST rebate.