The 2012 manual does a horrible job of explaining exactly what some of the various Display Options mean. Can anyone give me a hand? I'm talking specifically about the options that come up when you hold DISP on the steering wheel. The ones that I'm particular confused on are: Gas Price Fuel Consu Disp Comp Consumption EV / ECO Steering Switch Thanks for the help!!!
Okay, I figured it out on my own. Gas Price - Used to calculate your gas savings. I just put in the average cost per gallon of regular unleaded in my area. Fuel Consu Disp - On the two tripmeters (Trip A and Trip B), this sets whether it displays average MPG or total gas savings. Comp Consumption - Used to calculate your gas savings. I just put in the average MPG of a car in the US (21MPG). You need to have both this and Gas Price filled out in order for the cost savings option to work. This includes the "Fuel Consu Disp" on the tripmeter, the monthly savings graph, and the trip summary when you turn the car off. EV / ECO - Turns off showing the EV/ECO indicators on the HDI (the bar that moves back and forth when you apply the gas). Why anyone would turn this off it beyond me. Steering Switch - Disables the pop-up from appearing by the speedometer when you hit the steering wheel buttons. Also not sure why someone would turn this off! Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!
You Never Know what you can do until you try! Nice Job - Best Of Luck with Your New Ride! Welcome to PC
If you add a fuel price, it will prompt you for a new price when it detects more fuel has been added so the trip meter cost can be more accurate.
I read somwhere that the new 2012 Prius also has a display option that shows how much percent of the trip the car was in ev-mode . Is that true or is that only an option you get in the plug-in ?