I've seen lots of threads to allow use of the navigation inputs while moving, however I have a 2012 Prius-2 and therefore no navigation. I just want to be able to access my phone contacts and/or use the dialpad while I'm driving. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
I just had the PriusChat Nav bypass installed. All "greyed out" funtions, Nav or non-nav related will work. A big one for me was the address book as well! Here's the link: http://priuschat.com/shop/product_info.php/cPath/12/products_id/208
Does anyone know what you loose when this is installed on a 2012 Prius II? Any other readout or function?
No dealer will install this. Toyota will not disable seatbelt beep. What makes you think they will install this? That's like the last thing they would do. You don't loose anything when it's off. Everything is factory. Most touch screen buttons become grayed out once you pass 5MPH. You actually gain working touch screen buttons when it's on. All the grayed out buttons become active and usable. The only thing I'm not sure about is how it'll affect all the information in the "CAR" I think all the information in "CAR" are just the display. I don't think the headunit does any mileage calculations. Besides, I don't recommend leaving the override switch on when not using, not even in units without navigation.
If you have voice recognition on the wheel, that works while the car is moving which is the idea, use voice while moving vs. looking down at the screen and running over a kid or...worse...rear ending me. Texting while driving (fooling with the screen with contacts is the same as texting) is proven to be dangerous thing to do.