Spent the morning going through the entire Zaino process with PriusPilot. This stuff is amazing. Only had time to apply one coat. Our goal is to apply Zaino every 2-3 months. Here are a some pics with my Nikon: Pics with iPhone 4S:
Looking great! I clay barred my 2012 withing a week of getting it and got a coat of Z-AIO on it before the rains started. The Z-AIO really cleaned up the paint without a lot of effort. I sprayed it down with Z-6 on Thursday and added a coat of Z-5. If all looks well after this next batch of rain I will clean the car again and add anther coat of Z-5. I think that is all I really need for blizzard pearl. Which product did you use? Z-2 would probably look really nice on both colors. I just didn't want to hassle with mixing the activator.
Lol. Dude, you clay barred your car and couldn't add 5 drops of the activator to a couple ounces of wax because it was... a hassle????
Are the 2012's clear coated at the factory? I thought Z-2 is for clear coat, and Z-3 is for regular paint. BTW, I've used both and prefer the Z-2 because it seems to wipe off easier, leaving less residue on the cloth than the Z-3.
All new cars come with a clear coat except some of the new matte finish cars. Z-2 is a high optical property polish with no abrasives. Z-5 has reduced optical properties but also helps with swirls and very light scratches. It comes off very easy like Z-2. I was being cheap and bought Z-5 because I wanted one polish that would work for my car and my GF's 2006 Rav4. The guy at Zaino said the Z-2 would a waste of money and effort on these lighter cars.
My favorite zaino regimen is dawn wash, z-aio, z-6 wipe down, z-2, z-6 wipe down, z-cs No need for the activator in this unless you want to put down 3 layers of the z-2 in a single day. You can sub the z2 for z5 if you have a dark car