We just purchused our Prius last week, so sorry if this is a stupid question. I did a search and can't seem to find the answer. We are on our first trip, and I cant seem to be able to find a POI in route. It gives a can't locate the POI on route message? The nav is guiding us correctly to our destination, we just can't seem to find POI's ahead on our route. Sorry if this has been asked before. I've already learned a ton from reading this site, thanks to all for the informative post.
Did you go into the nav's settings & choose the POI you want displayed? Are you passing places that you expect to be POI? Is the resolution set so high that surrounding places aren't displayed on the map. For example, I have the resolution set high enough that I can see the "bird crumbs". The drawback is that I don't always get names for cross-streets and some gas stations & restaurants (or their signs) that I can see from the Interstate are too far off to be displayed on the map.
Thanks for your suggestions. I will read the book and check the resolution setting. I didnt cahnge it, but it may have come set to high. I found it will locate POI on route when I search on regular roads, but when I am on the expressway, I get message on no POI's located on this route. So it seems to not recognize the expressway as part of my route. I am out of state so I reset the zone I'm in. Dosnt seem to help. Thanks so much for your help.
On my "recent" trip to SC the vast majority of the miles were on I-95. I only had to change the region once, before selecting the SC destination addresses. I have Post Office, hotel, gas, & dining POI selected. There are 2 rest stops with such facilities in MD & one in DE. I don't remember if they were POI. If the facility is close enough to the Interstate it will show. On this trip in the Malvern/Frazier/Valley Forge/K of P/Oaks vicinity the GPS is almost constantly used. There is nothing on US202 & US422 which are Interstate class higheways. I'll try to remember to pay attention during tomorrow's travels for POI. BTW, the car's GPS unit & the Garmin are only retarded very close to the hotel. They both miss the left turn to get to the hotel wanting a U-Turn at US30.
There could be a radius in which the nav looks and how far it will take you off your route (in this case, the expressway) to get to the POI parameter built into the nav.
I picked up POI on I-76 (not many) & the Vine St. Expressway. Didn't notice on I-95 as there was too much traffic but probably not as there wouldn't be much between Vine St. & The Betsy Ross Bridge. Not every establishment will have a POI & not every POI is an existing establishment. Chains are probably accurate but single businesses are hit-or-miss. I went 0 for 2 looking for last night's dinner ending up at the Ruby Tuesday by the hotel. I suspect a POI is dependant on someone registering the facility & coordinates with the map company then waiting two years.
I recently bought a 2011 model and I was certainly hoping that there was an answer to this. What a disappointment. My $60 Tom Tom does this. It can give a list of hotels / restaurants along the route and in order, closest to farthest and then navigate me to the hotel. My more expensive Tom Tom will dial the POI. Why doesn't his $$$$$ device handle it? Yes, as noted below, the Toyota GPS is looking along the interstate and not finding anything within the built in parameters that qualify. Why not?