Have a 2006 barcelona red prius with 44k miles and all the bells and whistles. (leather, gps, blah blah). I think it was package 6. I can't remember. I just remember we asked for the "best one." No heated seats though, we're in California. Grandma backed up into it and put a dent in the rear bumper, and so now hubs wants to get it fixed and repaint the whole car. So I was thinking instead we might just upgrade. So I need to decide: fix the bumper, replace the floor mats, or sell it as is (How much are they selling for when looking immaculate, versus needs some work) The dent looks like a fist punch in the corner of the bumper, and it's pulled back a bit. Or do the repairs and keep it. (Because of the low mileage and the long life left in it). And how much are new prii going for these days (all the bells and whistles equivalent)? Should I buy new or a few years old? As you can tell, we don't drive the car a whole lot... but I hear you don't really get much of a discount these days buying a year or two year old car.
Unless there's a reason you don't like you're car that you're not telling us, it makes no sense to buy a new one just because of this minor accident. As for your husband wanting to repaint the whole car, that's not necessary either. To fix and repaint and re-finish the bumper will only cost you ~$500, maybe $1000 max.
I know. Seriously, I know. There are other parking related scratches on the very bottom edges of the side and front, but that's really it. (You know, scuffing type scratches) I don't think I'll be able to talk him out of the whole new paint job. He threw out a 4 year old redwood fort because it looked old. Our stroller was dirty from regular use, so I came home and I had a new one (the other one was already on its way to a landfill). It just needed cleaning. So. Within the ridiculous parameters, what's the smart move. EDIT: Ah, according to my first post here, it's package number 9.
If you want to buy a new or similar used car, you will have to pay tax, registration again, which could be more than $1K. Plus you always have to give up some margin when you sell, maybe another $2K? You also have to spend lots of time dealing with buy and sell, insurance companies, title... So unless you want to change a different car, repair is the best solution. Should be less than $1000 for sure, with rear bumper replaced, painted and side chips touched as well. If you can find a shop which will repair the bumper, I guess $500 will be enough. Good luck!
Not to be an nice person or anything, but if the "Hub" does whatever he wants regardless what you say, then why waste your time asking???? The car is still under warranty. why would you upgrade? Unless he has more money to blow than he knows what to do with... I can see getting a new prius as a 2nd car, but trading in a low mileage prius??????
Really I was just curious about the basics. Guess I'll have to go into the dealership and ask there. Didn't know what the new version of a gps, nav, leather prius was and how much it was selling for. Didn't know generally how fast the cars depreciate. i.e. a 1 year old car with less than 12k miles sells for $500 less, 1k less, 3k less generally? Finally interneted Kelly Blue book, it says my car can sell for $15.8k if in "pristine" condition? Is that right? I need to call the shop and take the car in and see how much the bumper repair and an entire paint job costs. I see I left some confusion because of my first post. I really meant "repairs" to include a full body paint job. Does that run about 3k?