Has any one else seen one of these $500 - 2yr Lease Series 1's yet? I came out to my car to go home, less then 2 hours ago. There it was/is: I'm guessing it's driven by the fellow employee who had a Mini Cooper EV ... at least up until just a few weeks ago, when the lease ran out on it. What a drag, that BMW is still only leasing their offerings. I'd hate to think what's happening to the mini Coopers when they're returned. .
so excited you couldnt even stop shaking enough to take that first pic? either way, EVs are getting ready to take off i think. did you see the UCLA study that predicts 9% of all car sales in Southern CA will be plug ins in less than 5 years? the EVSE kinda looks homemade, is it a J1772 or just plain ole 120 volt socket?
I find it interesting how the Leaf and Prius PHV have the plug in the front so you can pull in forward, yet the BMW has the plug in the back. Is that because BMW drivers back into parking spots because it makes them look cool ?
Yep - Yea, and that's going to make for a real stretch in those parking lots that require 'head-in-only' parking. The city of Anaheim has stalls with 2 or 4 chargepoint EVSE's and the city's parking code nazis write tickets for violations. Someone needs to rethink things.
That's amazing that you get a ticket for going in the wrong way. We have some back in only street parking spots. These were changed from parrel parking, but the idea is that it will make it safer for bicycle riders. The streets with the back in spots have heavy bicycle traffic. Ok that was way off topic from the new bmw. Why would a city not allow a car to park the best way for it to recharge? The charge location will probably get standardized in a few years as more ev drivers show their preferences.
Yep - Several city's muni codes contain these rules, though I'm not certain what objective they're supposed to achieve. From the Anaheim Municipal code: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway....m$3.0$vid=amlegal:anaheim_ca$anc=JD_14.32.176 Hopefully those Active E's and (now also) the PiP's won't be causing a crime wave in these fair cities. Maybe Bink and Charge point can put longer charge cables on their units to help keep these charging criminals at bay.