The trick is to call them, not e-mail. There phone (use the non toll-free one) is on the website. Not only have they answered this every time (during business hours), but they've also called me back twice. .
I hear you! Are people so lazy now a days that it is a task to lock their own vehicle doors? It is routine for me, after closing my door I lock is a simple thing. I never forget, just like I don't forget to buckle up or bring my key fob. For crying out loud people, it is matter of using one finger to push a button. It's not even an older style mechanical button like in older vehicles, it's an easy to press electric button! Pretty soon society will be like the folks in the movie Wall-E.
It might be too late for you, or not, but certainly might help others. I had some business at my local Toyota dealer and expressed my frustration that the 2008 Prius doesn't have this auto door lock feature. I was told, but it can be programmed into the car's computer, one of the options. Of course the service rep told me that it will be at least 1/2 hour or maybe 1 hour at their fee. WOW, $60-$115. At least this can be done without ripping that part of the car up.
I agree to some extent, but it's a basic safety feature that's nice to have. My wife always forgets to lock the doors. She is just not a person who thinks of things like this as she always has 100 other things on her mind with scheduling the kids, planning stuff, volunteer work, etc. She just doesn't think of it. It's not laziness - it is just not something she focuses on. Is Toyota's design group so lazy these days that it's a task to provide something that my 13 year old Ford has?
Apparently the 2008 can be programmed at the dealer to lock automatically. I didn't interrogate them further what other years can be as well Of course they came up with excuses why it isn't already part of the operation.
so the original post was: I can tell you categorically that the Gen 2 does not have this feature. It does have an all doors lock/unlock switch on the driver's door, so doors can be locked/unlocked manually if one requires this additional security. There is also a feature that if you use the remote to unlock the car but then subsequently do not open a door the car will automatically re-lock all doors. The default time between unlocking and locking is 30 seconds. This time delay period is customizable to 30, 60, or 90 secs (I think – it is a long time since I looked). I'm a little intrigued as to why there still could be doubt about does it or doesn't it – especially all these years later. Original posts 2007/2008; thread revived 2012; then again yesterday. I hope that helps.