Bought a $9 waterproof seat protector for occasional use from WalMart last night. Just what I was looking for. Top goes over the headrest, rest lays over top of the seat. The front straps hook over the front part of the seat, it covers just about all of the seat. Box says 'Custom Accessores' #13900W I'll put it on the seat when taking car in for service. They also had one for the entire back seat. These are for kids, dogs, dirty clothes, etc... Folds up small and stores well in the tray under the rear deck.
Put zebra seat covers on my wifes car today. Make sure they are made for the side air bags built into the front seats.
The front straps do hook over the front corners of the seat. Good thing to keep a temporary seat protector or two in the cargo tray, never know when you might need it.