Cycledrum, would you consider PM'ing me a copy of one of your speeches... I would be willing to go to the school and present a speech about hybrids and the Pruius... as a counterpoint to the information that was previously given...
Then we find the original speaker. Bring him back to the school and have a "New and Better" Eco day! Our Eco Day! He will be brought before the school and the full power of a fully charged traction battery will be used to extract THE TRUTH! He will reveal who is behind the plot! He will sign the admission that he lied! Believe me....the children will never forget! We won't let them forget THE TRUTH! Sometimes harmony between Man, Nature and Machine is not pretty...but must be defended at any cost!
I looked it over and don't think it would fit the need. I think the best information is from the video 'Prius Life Cycle - Youtube'. That video refutes any claims of Toyota / Prius not being an eco friendly car. Capture the words, edit or maybe play the video thru a laptop and put your own intro and conclusion in.
Yes, the school has computers and they are able to access youtube...I would like the teacher to show it to the classes involved...its great for students, and lots of useful information...
I just don't know why you have not taken this issue of "misinformation" being "promoted" in the schools directly to school administration. They need to know that misinformation is being taught to students as fact.
I did send 2 emails to my son's teacher and asked her to forward them to the principal and vice principal. I will be contacting the school directly on Monday (I had previous plans for a full day outing on Friday and couldn't call the school then, hence the email to the teacher). I will definitely be taking this to the school administration and possibly the school board if this organization or individual is making the same presentation at other schools. I wanted to gather the facts myself in a concise and well presented way because it looks like I have to go into the school and speak to the staff and convince them otherwise...