Hey, out of curiosity, are Prii relatively easy to clean wheel wise? I would assume they don't generate much brake dust compared to most cars. So the wheels shouldn't get too much on them.
Do you have any personal experience with applying either optiguard or opticoat? Did you experience first hand, cracking/product failure?
I am thinking the same thing and would like to know the result. Is it a good idea to apply Opticoat? My friend told me that it's better to wax with Opticoat earlier.
This is like a product I saw over 10 years ago and yeah it cracked paint on a corsica but don't ever use a product that claims to be like clear coat and never use a wax or sealant that can't be used on glass. The reason you can't use it on glass is it isn't truly self leveling and any imperfections streaks, runs or other will show up and be permanent unless you use a solvent on the vehicle to strip this product from the paint.
Optimum Opti-Coating - Durability Test Review!!! - Autopia Forums - Auto Detailing & Car Care Discussion Forum An 18 month review of Opti-Coat by a professional detailer. Sounds like it's pretty solid. I'm wondering if I should debadge my C the rest of the way. Remove the Hybrid, HSD and Prius C emblems. Don't know if I like the idea of people getting pissed at high MPGers and trashing their cars. Or am I just being paranoid?
Spent the morning going through the entire Zaino process with PriusPilot. This stuff is amazing. Only had time to apply one coat. Our goal is to apply Zaino every 2-3 months. Here are a some pics with my Nikon: Pics with iPhone 4S:
From the video and the pictures I did notice the lack of deep luster I.E. the pictures from inside a shop with the flourescent light above. A new unoxidized car you can see the bulb itself and not just the glare of the bulb. In these pictures the lights are more of a glare this might be the color chosen or the quality of the camera that the pictures were taken with. Products like this tend to reduce the luster of the clear coat as they cannot duplicate the application achieved at the factory. Also if in the video he claims the car is coated with overspray then something is wrong as overspray on top of any surface will prevent any benefits of this product. Be very leary before trying any product like this, find a friend with an old car and with his permission apply this to a small section if you like the results go for it. I just say be carefull before trying anything different or unknown on any vehicle you care about. By the way the blue c looks really great.
Spent all day today washing, waxing and detailing!! 2012 Prius C III - Black Sand Pearl pictures by managerman - Photobucket
NXT Generation® Tech Wax® 2.0 I will be repeating the wash and wax cycle again this weekend...that should be good for about a month, when I will repeat again... -M
Thx CP. I will experiment with my current POS car! I'm feeling more comfortable after seeing these pic though: Vehicle's With Opti Guard - Gallery - Optimum Forum
make sure you get his permission what might be a pos to one person is there prized posssession. Oh and always be leary of advertising, watch the shamwow commercial. When he puts the liquid under the carpet at first you see the liquid on the counter and they cut away and back to him and there is no liquid under the carpet but he acts like he is picking it up. Commercials lie to make you think a product is good. Seriously have you ever seen a bigmac that looks as good in person as it does on tv.
Zaino is the best product out there. I have used it for 12 years on all of my cars. I have a black V ( five) , Lexus GS 430 and it makes life much easier.. I get so many complements on the Prius which now is my commuter.ie did you just wash your car? etc,, The finish can have dust etc and that shine comes through. I do wash frequently and use the spray shine... That is what makes the shine pop!
I've had to order mine online as none of the stores here carry it. Usually, you can find dealers online that include shipping in their pricing. Since I initially coated my car with Rejex, I went over it with a light coat of the Top of the Line, Trade Secret carnuaba and the car simply "pops" now. Perhaps another coat of Rejex would have done the same, but I like to layer synthetics with carnuabas to bring out depth of color that synthetics don't. FWIW, these 2 products are the easiest I've found to apply and remove... and I've tried a LOT of waxes and polishes before settling on these. Trade Secret Carnauba Wax