Greetings, I recently got my hands on a 2011, silver Prius! After scanning the forums, I pulled off the wheel covers and made center hubs from knockout seals ($1 each). Thank you theloop82! Also had the windows tinted. And ordered a bumpshox bumper guard. Living in the city, parking is always sketchy. Finally, two stickers to personalize her a bit more. Loving this ride! I had a Gemcar for a few years and loved it but the range and speed were too limiting. What a great forum! Thanks for all the great tips! I'll post pics as soon as I reach 5 posts.
For some reason my avatar shows up on my profile page but not on the pages where I am posting? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Profile page is just your profile. Where you want to set your avatar, you need to go to 'User CP' which is the User control panel, then click on 'Edit Avatar' on the left, down in the 'Settings & Options' section.
Off topic, but wanted to share the magic of the uke which through it's simple elegance, nearly always brings smiles, as does this little Prius. No, this isn't me. I'm just a fan.
Well, Congratulations... Welcome Aboard... Hakuna Matata... Spice The Trunk Monkey.... Batten Down The Hatches... Traction Your Battery.... Reverse your Beep.... You know the usual Welcome to Prius Chat Buzz.... Man...those Bumpshox bumper guard licence plate frames? I'm sorry, I appologize now...but those are UGLY...perhaps amazingly functional, but UGLY. I'm not too appearance vain with my vehicle, or at least I think I'm not. But I wouldn't want those on the front of my vehicle. Sure, if it avoids one front bumper damage's argueably worth it. But in the meantime? Sometimes the cure is worse than the poison. Goodluck, nice car....hate that licence plate frame...
@NYPrius1 - Thank you! You are in my hometown! @The Electric Me - Love all the greetings! Yes, I understand. The jury is still out for me on the bumpshox. But bumpers get destroyed here in LA. Honestly, I thought it would look worse. Lol. @spiderman - You are funny. Can you see Russia from your house? ; ) Happy Weekend!