Does anyone know if the 2006 front seats are any different than the 2005? I'm going to be ordering custom seat covers and I need to make sure there weren't any changes. Thanks. Ken
If you're talking fabric, it seems that so far they are using the same seats as in the 04 and 05 model years.
No I'm talking if you meant fabric seats and not leather then yes I can say they are the same configuration.
I dealer I spoke to said they differ. Not sure if it is shape or support, but he indicated it was more than just fabric. I think you should wait on the seat covers until after you take delivery, if you are concerned.
Is there anyone I can talk to or any internet site where I can definitely find out? Many dealers, frankly, don't know what the hell they're talking about. Your dealer has concerned me enough to hold off ordering. I'd like to know for sure. Ken
Could he have meant the rear seats differ on an 06'? There was mention that the rear seats on the 06' were supposed to be angled differently to allow more comfort for taller passengers. But if they are in fact using the seats from the 04-05 still then that would also be unchanged :huh: This is one weird little car :lol:
Yes, I've heard that there is a difference in the rear seats. My mmediate concern is the front seats. If I had to guess, I'd say that the front seats remain the same. But before I pay over 500 dollars for custom seat covers, I want to make absolutely sure. Ken
No one on this forum has one yet? I am curious about the back seats too. In the 05, my head would rub against the ceiling.
I'm 6' even and my head rubs a little in back of an '06, only if I sit up dead straight. A lil slouch and its fine. Then again, I don't plan on being in the back of my Prius much.