Oh man, I wish someone had warned me! I just got sucked in for all 8 frigging pages hoping that there was going to be some sort of helpful information for a potiental newbie. Shame on me for wasting a good part of my morning...got to go do something useful...lots of dogs to pick up after. :deadhorse:
personally I got better prices from CABE toyota and Manhattan toyota. of course deal with the internet depts. find out the invoice price and go for a couple hundred below and add that you are ready to buy in 2 days.
Agreed. Just got Prius IV in blizzard pearl for $27,390 at Manhattan Beach Toyota while Dianne wanted $28,000. :rockon:
hey if you need some assistance in the LB area, let me know. I just finished a wild goose chase for my 2012 Prius this month.