just added fog lamps to the 2010 and used LEDs s,, they come on with the sw ready and stay on until sw off. (one superbright didnt fit and i had to rework to fit) it was the easier job ive done for fog lamps, both modules in abt 15 min time but over all about 1.0 hr to compl. can post pict and inst if i learn how to upload pic. regards Not For but FOG
Re; fog lamp installation --i added pic to my album i purchased lamps from prius assy the only parts i used (besides the lamp holders) is the lamp connector and wires, cutting to the longest length possible the long wire goes from the pass side across the grill to the relay (on the driver side) pwr for the relay comes from 10 amp fuse in fuse box(2nd one form bottom i think) the one which has pwer with sw on and off) i used a "mini add a line fuse" to tap the fuse pwr Pwr for the lamps comes from the large white wire in the fuse box, goes to the relay term 30. i ground the relay to the top of the eng. i fused the 3 pwr legs as is shown in the pic I WOULD ONLY USE THIS SETUP WITH LED LAMPS because i dont kn how much pwr one could take from the large white wire; LED lamps H11 from superbright (one would not fit and needed rework.) email for questions
go to my profile for pic's. one pic i forgot to add was the pic for the "add a fuse line" but it can be seen in 1 pict for white wire. also, the lamp black wire i grounded to the frame using the 10 mm bolt holding the plastic. sorry, i havent had time to prefect the instructions.