We're proud owners of Prius v Three and now are on a market again, second time this year for another Prius. Our Corolla 1992 just failed a smog test, so we need a new car, which is kinda tough after what we just spend on our new PriVi. I tried really hard to fell in love with PriC, but after our v.... well, I decided to pass. But I really really love the new Prius Gen. III 2012 and now want it in Three or Four. So my question to you guys, who bought it. What was the best quote you got out there? We're in Bay Area. I do not need sun/moon roof, but I love all the perks of eTunes and such. Can Three be found for less than $24K? Or Four for about $26K? Or am I dreaming... thank you in advance!
If its a failed smog test, fixing issue or replacing the part would be a lot cheaper than a $25k+ car. But if you still prefer getting a new prius, I would say finding a new 2012 III for less than $24k is tough but possible. A II could easily be had at $22.5k-23k. The msrp for a base III is about $1.5k more than the II. It's hard for me to imagine a dealer to let go of a III for that low, but your margin is only within $1k I would say. So being persistent and patient would really be crucial for you. I forgot to mention. In your case, it would be beneficial to research invoice prices and factor that in when talking to the dealers. You can find invoices at cars.com and similar websites. Dealers are gonna bring up their invoices when you ask them for a low price like that, so you will already have invoice numbers to compare with theirs. Also, you do realize that without the solar roof package, the only difference between a base model III and II is entune/nav/backup cam and 3 door smart key system right?
Thank you, p00kienrayray, for your input! Yes, we are trying to do something about the failed smog check, I just sent paperwork to Sacramento... but the problem is Corolla was hanging on a cliff of failing it for a few years now, so maybe it's its time... to fix it will be more that it costs for sure. I did check invoice prices on truecar.com and it gave me price for Base Vehicle $26,284 minus $565 Holdback for Four, and Base Vehicle $23,799 minus $511 Holdback for Three, so I think my expectations are realistic. Right? And I do want nav/backup cam/smart key and can care less for roof package.
I'm just gonna say it's unlikely, but possible. As long as the dealer isn't losing money, it's possible. They're gonna give you the typical BS, like "It's in demand," "Gas prices are high right now." It's gonna rely on your research (which I see you've already done), negotiating, and patience of going from dealer to dealer. Ask them if they can beat a price that another dealer "supposedly" gave you. Dealers lie, why can't the customers? Also, I've noticed that going in late on weekdays or at the end of the month when dealers are scrambling to make their quota helps too. Good luck, I have faith in you!:cheer2:
I am not sure what Dianne's prices are now but a few weeks back she was selling 2012 III with just floor mats for $24,544 with a $100 gas card. Contact her, it may be worth the drive.
That's a pretty good deal for an advertised offer. I was looking at my local dealership. Their sticker price for a base III is $26,600, and one @ $26,500. So looking at that, I'm positive you can get one @ the $24k mark. It's still gonna be tough though.
It makes a difference where you are. I am not sure your invoice prices are correct? I just don't see Prius prices dropping to below cost unless the Prius C is cannibalizing some regular Prius sales? I think $24K for a '12 III is going to be very tough, if at all possible, right now now matter where you are. $24K + tax, title, plates was not possible in the Midwest when gas was $3.85 a gallon. Today gas is $4.50 a gallon and rising for now. Also the consider the time value of the cost of gas x50 mpg and what you are replacing.
Just picked up Prius IV in Blizzard Pear and Grey for 27,390 at Manhattan Beach Toyota ; Speak to Dominic - Fleet Boss. Dianne at Carson wanted $28,000.
True, Prius values are at a high right now. But when that last sale needs to be made, and the sales manager is charming enough, upper management just might bend over and do it. A salesman goofed and gave me the $1k graduate discount to bring a II model to a flat $22k. When it came back that the Prius didn't qualify for grad discounts, the manager felt bad and was also tired since it was 11:30 pm and he lived 40 miles away. So he offered $22,500 w/o the discount. That was the best offer I got. Now I know my situation was a specialized case, but we know that they can do it. $22,500 is $2.5k below the $25,xxx sticker price they had. I'm optimistic and believe its possible. Under the right conditions and negotiations, there's ONE dealer somewhere that would make that deal. OP is just gonna have to do the dirty work and visit the 20 dealers that will shut him down. Internet fleet sales is also a great alternative.
what was your out-the-door price on the Prius II? Looks like you paid $22,500 for the car, but on top of that I presume you paid delivery fees, tax, licensing fees, and doc fees. Right? What did it all add up to? Thanks! -Kris
Is the price of $27,390 your out-the-door price after all taxes and fees, or your quoted price on top of which you paid taxes and fees? Thanks Kris
I don't have my paperwork on hand but it came out to roughly $24,500 (in CA it's generally $2k for the price range)...this was before my negative equity of course.
Just purchased my III today for 23,788, out the door it was 25986 so basically 26,000. Manhattan Beach had it advertised for that price and i emailed around, almost all wouldnt match in the area except a few. so you really have to work, i suggest several difft newspapers on saturday and see if any have the 3 advertised.
For the IV with sunroof option and mats two quotes I have in the last two weeks are 31623.76 and 31725.
I just bought my first prius. It is a 2012 model IV with sunroof option and mats for 31,200 @ Burnsville Toyota. It was about $1800 below sticker. Brent
We're in Bay Area with plenty of dealership to go around. And with invoice $23,799 minus $500 holdback, I'm sure a dealer can live with $700 profit We're replacing Corolla-92, but frankly it just sits there, we both are using Prius v.