Because I subscribe to Motor Trend, I get my issues earlier than the magazines that appear in stores' magazine sections. I just got the May issue yesterday, on Thursday, March 22. For those of you who don't subscribe (which would probably be most of you), look for the May issue of Motor Trend in your stores' magazine aisles. There is a very interesting 4-page article on the Prius "C" on how it compares to other hybrids with a first-time driving review, and it is very complimentary with much detailed information to enjoy reading.
Thanks for the info Marygreenthumb. I picked it up yesterday but I didn't find it overly comlimentary, it seemed they thought it was only so-so.
I read the article. They forgot to mention what mpg achieved during their driving. Lets see, why would someone buy a Prius in the first place? Do you think maybe it just perhaps may possibly be M P G
I know... You would think someone at Motor Trend would have said, Hey!! we forgot to place in the article what mpg's we got during our test..... I just don't know how the heck they could have forgot a major reason why people buy a Prius. Thats why we bought ours, also the tax credit at the time, and a great trade in price on my wifes old Chevy
Sometimes you have to read between the lines to grasp what is inferred rather than what is said. That's the interpretation, meaning, and conclusion that I get upon reading this article. Also, when the magazine went to press several weeks ago you didn't have the "Prius 'C' Mania" and high consumer pent-up demand as reflected today. The conclusion of the article was that consumer Prius "C" sales and sentiment would reflect the true success of the car--and they certainly have now! Someone whose wallet is being picked clean by high gasoline prices doesn't care if the car is not perfect. I sure don't and, besides, the Prius "C" is a fun car to drive!
To my knowledge the article is not available online right now. The copyright law comes into play here, so it's usually articles becoming available after the first month or two of magazine issue circulation.
I'll buy and store the issue in a safe place, then whip it out with my Toyota maintenance records when it's time to sell. My experience is any added confirmation of a vehicle's quality, especially from a trusted source like Motor Trend, only helps to reinforce the prospective buyers preconceived notions as well as lets the buyer know you're meticulous about your vehicles.
On a related note, has anybody seen the Top Gear episode where they say how bad a Prius is? They decry the energy and environmental damage to make the parts, especially the battery, and ship them around the world.. Then they test drive it on a racetrack at full speed and only get 17 mpg, and the race car comparison got 19 mpg. Oh, and the ride was the "most abhorrent god-awful ride I've ever had". Now, I've never driven a Lamborghini, but my Prii (take your pick - 2004, 2011, or the new 2012 C for two days) have been the best cars I have ever owned.
I just looked up 1971. Nixon put in a wage freeze and a 10% tax on imported cars. It doesn't sound like one of america's best years.
Yes, I actually read it online somewhere a few weeks ago. I think i just googled Prius c reviews and found it.