Find a lot of Hummers driving slow in the left lane in front of your Prius or tailgating you in the right lane? Maybe it's because of the city you live in. It may be time to move to a more Prius-friendly city. Click on this link for a list of cities across the United States and the Prius-Hummer index: The Prius/Hummer Index: What Cities Buy the Smallest and Biggest Cars? - Atlantic Mobile
They should have made those bar graphs slightly smaller. I could still read them. :madgrin: I'm surprised that Portland wasn't listed on the Prius owning cities.
"Burlington, Vermont, likes Subarus way better than everyone else in America. Congratulations on your ruggedness!" It of course has nothing to do with the road conditions 'popular' in Vermont...
Interesting stat - Madison, WI is high on both hummers and prii. Portland is the highest prii city outside of smug california Lots of prii here in Austin, I'm suprised we are so far down on the list. The only hummer I've seen here is owned by the brother of a girl I used to date. I still give him grief about it sometimes if I run into him, but its more of a joke. He does run it on B100 biodiesel. What does she drive?