It's HIS vehicle. He can do whatever he wants with it ..... including not selling it!!! What's the big deal? If you had a business wouldn't you have the right to set pricing? Maybe he want's to keep it on the lot for the time being so that lots and lots of potential purchasers can have the opportunity to drive it and touch it and imagine owning one....later when there's more of them and the pricing is more realistic. If he sells the first one right away, poof it's gone and nobody gets to see what it's all about. Anyway who said that you have any right to tell him what to do in his business? When there's a lot of c's later this year or next year or the next, then the price will come down. That's capitalism.
I can list my car for $1million. Doesn't mean anyone will buy it unless they really really really want my car. Or maybe this car has been autographed by some B-List celebrity so the cost goes up. Who knows. All dealers do this crap. I remember it with the Volt too. People weren't dumb enough to pay MSRP + VMA then, and they won't be now either. Unless they want too...
I agree with a few of the others - this dealer might be a bit optimistic in what he wants for the car but he is not a scumbag - he is being upfront on pricing so what is the big deal. A customer can look at the price and say he'll no and walk away. I would bet that the dealer is in a very wealthy area where the locals buy whatever the in car is and drive it for a while. I have a good friend in Stamford Ct and that is the way it is there. I remember I was visiting him back when the Mini first came out - they were everywhere - 6 months later they moved on to the next thing.
Look at all those horrible reviews, go go go:
I saw this article yesterday, promptly went to the dealer's website, and found 4-5 Cs that were 20-21k. I saw nothing in the price range the article mentioned. EDIT: Actually, this link has a picture of the sticker, which I didn't see yesterday. I wonder if his online car prices would get jacked up with this market value adjustment, too. but, seriously, if you're dumb enough to pay that premium you deserve it.
This was one of the reviews: Jim - Dec 26, 2011 "Worst service ever..sold me a car and asked to return it the next day because they regret the price they gave me..and were very rude and didn't even apologize..all sharks..and unproffesional and sketchy Disliked: Service, Value" ound:
IMO that's exactly what he's trying to accomplish. Later this year or next year when supply is much more plentiful then he'll be discounting the Prius c's and buyers will buy them. That's capitalism. A few isolated people may hold a grudge for his actions this year but in 2 or 3 years buyers will just negotiate and buy their Prius c's from him as they do every day. Next non-issue.