From an experts point of view, I always feel bad for my Prius when I merge onto a highway or have to floor the accelerator pedal to get across an intersection. I feel like it hurts it or something, I know electric motors are durable though, and gas engines are a bit more finicky. You know? In example, today I was pulling into the turn lane on the highway turning left, I usually have to wait for traffic on the freeway traveling at 65-70mph to dissipate, then I had to shoot across safely. Afterwards, I jokingly rubbed my steering wheel and said "Ohhh, I'm sorry Prius. ):" But I actually was sorry haha. Your thoughts?
The Prius is "fly by wire". Driving wise, you can't really do anything to the car without a computers approval. A good way to hurt one is to neglect it; either by lack of use or lack of maintenance.
Which I drive it at least once a day for about 10 miles, and I get an oil change early everytime... Hmmm. I feel better now. Oh! & I wash it about 4 times a week! I waxed it a few times last week. The shine was sooooo deep.
The best safety measure here is to try and allow sufficient warm up time for the engine before you get to the point where you need to "floor it". If you're driving some distance on slower roads before you get to the highway then it's no problems. If however you're just starting out very near the highway then it wouldn't hurt to let your car warm up for a minute or two before driving.
My wife pats the Prius sarcastically when it whines as she hits the top of the power zone going up a hill. You are not alone.
You can't treat it any worse than I treat all of my cars over the last 20yrs. LOL Although I did feel a little bad after hitting this cone. [ame=""]F8L C5 Spin.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Justin, you links point to nothing for me. I think you got the links trying to post specifically from your youtube account. As for the last one, talking about hitting a cone.....When I had my Metro, I intentionally aimed for construction cones on the one road they were doing construction. I managed once to knock one across 2 lanes of traffic and into someone's yard. I know, I was young and immature, but I still laugh about it to this day!
The car exists to serve you. You don't need to baby it. If you have to jump in somewhere, just do it. You'll take a tiny ding in your mileage. Otherwise the car won't care. Or who knows, maybe somewhere way down in the CANBUS there'll be the slightest trace of a smile....
It grinds up the front tires. Meh. What will really hurt the car is getting t-boned on the day you don't quite shoot across, because the pavement was wet or sandy or whatever. Be safe: turn right and make a u-turn.
You fared better than I did. I hit one with my Trans Am on the same course shown above with the C5 and the damn cone ripped apart a sway bar bushing! LOL
True. It never reaches high RPMs though, luckily. My good friend Mandi uses a scan gauge on her Gen.II Prius and she said it redlines around 4,800-4,900 rpm. I think that's cool.