Just a standard stereo cable. It has the same size jack on both ends that the head phones have. I just got one for $5 at Radio Shack. http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.js...rentPage=family
We have to use that crappy FM transmitter...I'd prefer the cassette adapter, but we don't have it on our prius. If you keep the transmitter near the antenna, you get better reception, so I have my kids in back hold it up to the ceiling.
haha thats pretty funny. I have to use an fm transmitter too, and after some station tweaking i finally got it to get some good reception when i put it in the cupholder closest to the dash. i've found that when i put it closer to the antenna it actually gets worse reception and the real station starts taking over. if you haven't already done so try finding a site that tells you good stations to put your transmitter on in your city, and then try to find the one that works the best in a spot where your kids don't have to hold it up to the ceiling :lol: