I'm doing a survey to compare and contrast the demographics of Prius c vs. Prius v owners for a Marketing class project. If you're a Prius v owner, your valuable input would be very much appreciated. The following link is the Prius v questionnaire. The one for the Prius c is in the Prius c subforum. Many thanks in advance! Prius v Demography Survey
I'm impressed. Very professional looking survey. (PS: I wasn't sure how to answer one question. I'm retired but still do a little bit of work).
Great project idea! My wife majored in Marketing and did similar projects when we were in school. Good luck with your project, and please share your results with the board.
Will definitely share the results as more data is collected. M8s, the Work Status question can accept multiple selections.
Most surprising result so far: Prius v owners who have responded are overwhelmingly Male, whereas Prius c owners are evenly mixed. Granted, the number of respondents are still too small (17v vs 9c) to draw any meaningful conclusions. But if this trend holds, I wonder what that means.
2 things 1 more men are likely online. 2 men may need more room to haul stuff like tools or golf clubs. I suspect it's a replacement for a small SUV fairly frequently. W
1. Maybe. But there's even number of men vs women responding to the Prius c questionnaire. On the other hand, it appears the average age of Prius v owners is higher than Prius c owners. Perhaps it is "possible" that more older men are members of these forums than older women. 2. One respondent stated a reason for buying the Prius v thusly: "Will carry 4 golfers and 4 bags of clubs/spikes/etc" Was that you?!
I didn't answer the "occupation" question because I didn't see homemaker. I also don't like to give my household income. Thanks for the opportunity to contribute to your survey. Can't wait to see the results.
Thanks for your feedback. Regarding "occupation", if you're a homemaker then the option that fits the best would be "Not working, not looking". I actually got this from a Demographics Questionnaire template; I suppose it's one of those standard answers. BTW, that question does not require an answer, I believe. As for "Household Income", again, those ranges were taken from the standard Demographics Questionnaire. I understand some people might feel uncomfortable answering that question. However, since everyone is anonymous there is absolutely no way for the surveyor (that's me) to see who answered what. So I hope that most people will fill in that box. It is a typical demographic metric that is used by Marketing folks to determine target segments. So far, it looks like Toyota has done a pretty good job of targeting the right segments for the v and the c. Once there's enough data to make the results more meaningful I will definitely post some charts here for all to see.
Lol nope. I hung up my clubs many years ago. But with mostly men statistically there had to be a few golfers. I did mentally measure the space though for when the golfer in my family visits. . W
After 30 responses, a quick summary: 1. More than half are over 50 (50-59 20%; 60 or older 33.3%) 2. 90% are Married 3. 73% have 0 kids under 17 in household (see #1) 4. v Three (46.7%); v Five (26.7%); v Five + AT (23.3%); v Two (3.3%); v One (0%) 5. 60:40 driving mix is most prevalent (46.7%) 6. Most cited reasons: Efficiency (96.7%); Size (73.3%); Eco-Friendly (50%); It's a Prius (40%); Comfort (36.7%); Low Maintenance (33.3%); everything else below 20% 7. No household income below $50K One respondent commented: Husband told me I could choose any car I wanted as long as it started with the word "Prius"!
I'm so jealous! BTW, forgot to mention this stat: Male outnumber Female by 8:2 so far. Q: Do you think the v is somehow more appealing to men than women? (or less appealing to women than the regular Prius or Prius c?)
It seems like I see it more stated to be the wife's car. I could be mistaken but that stood out to me. W
I do want to note, for the record... The woman who said her husband didn't care as long as the name started with Prius... That is wrong... Cause the car she got starts with the word 'Toyota'...
zen, I'll give you my guess Prius and prius v appeal to the technogeek. They are also more expensive. The prius c is more conventional looking and has a lower apparent hybrid premium. Low maintanance and fuel usage may be as much of a draw as technology or the environment. I would expect the skew to be younger, lower income, and more mixed by sex and race for the prius c. btw: If you don't mind me asking what school are you in?