The only part that I'm missing from my Volvo 740 is the large clock on a dashboard, after 25years it was still running perfectly. On Prius there is a LCD clock but it is not practical. When one turns the ignition OFF the clock is gone, poor design on Toyota part :-(. Instead of that silly alarm light blinking on a dashboard they should have wire it so the clock is blinking; it should be that hard to do it for Japanese :-/ (merging practicality with functionality). Does anybody know nice battery operated clock I can mount on inside? I'm looking for a nice design not a cheap stuff from Wallmart :-/ Most suitable place I think would be a small window on a left side of the driver.
That is true. Before I was always in a rush trying to get into a faster line; now I'm looking for a slower line as I'm not in a hurry. Stop lights don't affect my mileage anymore
That is true for us as well. Drivers who scurry and hurry and waste fuel now look like pathetic losers. Back to your issue, I got a neat little digital clock at AutoZone for a scooter we had. Button battery worked for years. Only trouble was it didn't have a back light.
In the 2010 the clock stays on for ~10 seconds after power off. The 2012 v is different? I may be missing the point of having a clock available with the power off. When I turn the car off, I get out.
I agree. I don't think I've had a car where the clock stays on since my 1986 Mercedes I never even thought of this being an issue.
The vee is the same. The clock and odometer remain on for about 10 seconds after you shut off the power.