I live in the foothills, I have to baby the car to get 40mpg in 3-4 mile trips. Stop and go and hills kill fuel economy. I thought it would do better on the freeway doing 64 mph in semi flat ground I average 57 mpg. I did get over 400 I did get over 400 out of my first tank. my monthly range looks to be around the 47-48 range so all is not lost
You just need more seat time and for the tires to break in. I was able to maintain a 53-55mpg average in the Auburn area. This included trips all over the back roads from Wise Rd, Garden Bar, up Joeger and Bell to Lonestar etc.. I even took it on many of the nature preserves I manage in the area. Your c is going to do even better assuming you can drive it for more than a few miles at a time.
fueled my liftback today.. 556mi, only squeezed in 9.18gal. was 62 indicated. Oh wait this isn't GenIII forum
I'm just trying to get them all riled up so they are eager to enter the fray. It's like a MPG mosh pit.
Toyota should hire me to write their commercials. *big grin* I'm taking credit for the Kia Optima Super Bowl commercial. At least the part with Mötley Crüe and all of the bikini clad girls.
Wife brought the new Prius C home yesterday from the dealer, 254 miles total, back roads and and a 10 mile stretch over a 2800 foot pass, averaging 52 MPH. Shows 59.6 MPG on the display. Can't wait to see what it will do when it is broken in. She averaged 54 MPG on the 2010 Prius, calculated, all last summer so I guess she knows how to stretch MPG out of a car.
I'm in the MPG mosh pit! Had the cute little "C" two days and already...going 32 miles back and forth to work...I'm averaging over 60 mpg. That's suburban highway and in the city. Love this car. Going very gentle on the gas. Use the electric as much as possible. and very gentle on the braking (really helps recharging the battery when you brake slowly).
Impressive MPG for the C! This little car is obviously severely underrated by the EPA. 60.5 mpg calculated is impressive for the 3rd gen! How were you driving? I'm still on my first tank, but I have 54-55ish indicated, so expecting 51-52 mpg calculated.
Good to have ya! Keep using your technique for a bit. Then on a new tank of gas try using less of the electric and accelerating a briskly up to speed then backing off the throttle to maintain desired speed. This is what worked best in the GenII and GenIII. I'm curious if it works on the Prius c or if your method is better. We need to figure these little cars out. Please post your mpg results after a full tank in my thread in the fuel economy section too. We need the data from people like you. 60mpg right out of the box is amazing!
During the winter, lots of rain, temps 40's, my wife averages about 46 mpg calculated. In summer she averages about 51 mpg calculated. I always get at least 3-5 mpg more than her. This is with 10% Ethanol reg gas required all year long in Oregon. Still thats better than 99% of the cars out there except of course for the "C". I am pretty sure the "C" will be a true average 55 mpg car.
Hi alfon, i have had my C now for two weeks, with 650 miles on the car, I have gotten 60mpg in city driving and 50-53 hwy....... its been really fun to drive and better than my 2010 prius,,, getting about 49 50 avg
Thanks James, the C looks like a kick to drive. I am going to take a real test drive one of these days.