I'm having some difficulty figuring what's accurate in terms of the MPG readings on the trip and odo meters and was hoping someone could help. I keep the display so that it reads trip A distance and mpg on the display screen. Currently, after my wife used the car to go to and from work for one round trip, it reads about 55 mpg. When I click over to the odo screen display, it reads the total miles of the car to date, but the mpg reads 84 mpg. That can't be correct, can it? Where does the mpg figure that is displayed in the odo screen come from? I know the trip A mpg reading is reflecting the mpg attained while the car is driven in the trip A screen, correct...or is it? So what does the mpg figure reflect when in the odo screen? Some help in clarifying what each trip/odo position records would be appreciated.
Pg. 27 shows nothing with regards to MPG in my manuals. However, on page 187 in the owner's manual, in describing the Multi-Informational Display, under (2) Average fuel consumption, it states- When the odometer is displayed: the average fuel consumption since the hybrid system was started is displayed. What does "since the hybrid system was started" mean?
I was reading the PDF posted in this thread. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-c-main-forum/102440-english-prius-c-manual-available.html http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...ailable-prius-c-owners-manual-complete_ct.pdf
The page numbers of the pdf manual don't correspond to the actual page numbers of the printed one. It sounds to me like the MPG reading in the Odo mode shows the average for the current "use of the car" up to when it's turned off. Startup then would be "turned on and driven" probably. Sounds like it just retains the last reading until it is started up and moved once again to me. ron
I don't have my car yet to play with this yet, but from reading the manual, I believe that odo shows MPG since you turned the car on, on this particualar trip. Whereas trip a and b are cummulative since you reset those trip odometers, which could be days or weeks or longer. What I want to know is this, is there a lifetime MPG field where we can tell what the MPG is over the life of the car. I didn't see anything about that in the manual. moezer
You can just leave trip a or b alone and let it record lifetime mpg if there is no other feature for that.