Well. I am back baby! I had a 2010 prius level 5 a year and 1/2 ago... which I traded for a GTI. Yesterday I drove to chicago with my boys and Paid retail for the 2010 prius and got 20k for the GTI. In other words, " I took a very painful bath" I am very happy to be back in the 2010 level 5 prius. GTI was fun to drive...but just not worth it. Finicky sob... I had to fill up the prius in chicago to drive home. Gas was 5.01 Painful bath slowly feeling dryer! A word to the wise. Dont switch from a prius if you drive past a fuel station and always notice the price of fuel (uhmm, thats me) Buying a fun, fast ,cool car...is only cool for a week or two.
The car I traded on my Prius was a GTI. I enjoyed the GTI, but I really love my Prius (looks like we have the same car!).
Welcome back! I still have my other car but I find myself driving the Prius more and more. It's just so much more relaxing and stress free.
You probably had a bath when you sold/traded the first Prius too, eh? Ouch. Guess the grass is rarely greener on the other side.
Karl Marx really; why in the world are you quoting Karl Marx? Unless you think this is the way our country is headed today. I would never give him any credit for any statement he made. God Bless you and have a good day.:focus:
Thanks folks. Glad to be back. I missed my old white prius the day after I sold it. I knew it was a mistake. that sick feeling in your gut... It was the only vehicle I have ever owned that I drove for 25k miles and sold it for the same amount as I paid. (I had bought it used for 23k ) Lets just say im keeping this for at least 3 sets of michelins mxm4"s!!
Welcome back to the Prius family. Sorry you got stuck with 5.00 gasoline... (You obviously bought IN the city)... Red is nice! I'm hoping to keep mine for 10 years...
Well. The Gti is great fun to drive! 24 avg mpg, depending on how you drive it. I have owned 3 of them in the past. They have lots of probelms. If you havbe the automatic dsg tranny, odds are it will fail. 4k replacement if not under warranty. The one I trade was making a grinding noise after running, Vw said premature oilpump failure. They replaced oil pump ONLY!!! potenial premature engine failure is what I was thinking..I used to be a mechanic for 15 years.(4 weeks without a car!!) no loaner program! Plus the dealer wanted to question if the oil was not theres!!! what??? they have a 2 year free service plan (like the new toyotas) are you kidding me...not your oil?WHAT???? So at that point after recieveing the car back...lets just say losing money on the trade in was a no brainer. Had my previous 2010 prius 5 with zero issues after putting 25k miles on it. I did smile driving the prius to work today....granted , no fun on the corner of the on ramp. but my mind is resting so easy!!!
I was going to trade my car in for another sports car and got the Prius instead, there is something really appealing about high mpgs.