Hi folks, The Prius sales brochure says that the airflow is improved by providing aerodynamic covers under the floor. I had a look under mine and didn't see anything special - just like most cars, I could see the exhaust and the engine sump, etc. What do these cover/s look like? Does anyone have a picture of them? Or any comments. Regards, kenmac
No pix handy, if I find some time next week I'll crawl under with an off camera strobe and see if I can get some decent pix for you. But they are there. There are several black panels with a dimpled texture to them. If you've seen the Luxus commercial for the car in the wind tunnel that they turn upside down to show the smoke flow across the underside--same type of product in the Prius--pretty cool huh!
:wave: :naughty: Ok here is an underside pic for ya all :!: Hope it helps. :computer: :wave: Note: Pic was taken from the rear( click on pic to enlarge.).
Those black pieces are what I had to get replaced the other day, when I hit an 18-wheeler tire tread at 70mph :cussing: Luckily, the pieces were only about $230. Jason '04 Millennium Silver AF
Thanks for the info. I couldn't view the picture/s but your description tells me what to look for. kenmac
If you're using a firewall, you may need to alter your settings to allow 'ads', I had a problem previously too, but my ZoneAlarmPro was set to block ads, once I altered that I could see all the photos.
i remember the prius page on the toyota.com website had an animated 3-d view "thing", that allowed you to click and drag which would rotate the car 360 degrees around each axis, there was a pretty good view of the underside there, i haven'tbeen there late though sid
One of the parts used for underfloor airflow management that can be seen on both the '04 and the Classic are the small black plastic spoilers located in front of the front and rear tires. These parts that are only a couple of inches wide in the rear, and a little wider in the front are used to deflect air from entering the wheelwell and re-routing it around the tire to the outside airstream. To quote an article in the March issue of Automotive Engineering International about the new Prius, they say: "Elaborate aerodynamic measures, including intricately shaped underfloor shields, rear wheel spats, and a small decklid spoiler enabled an exceptionally low drag coefficient of 0.25 while attaining equally impressive lift coefficients of -0.004 at the front and 0.074 in the back" Works for me!
Thanks Evan, I am can now see the picture - the problem was in the Avant Browser. I forgot the "Allow Pictures" button on the toolbar. It seems to only block pictures attached to a message, but not those pictures in the Photos sections. Anyway, all OK now. kenmac