I had a problem with my brakes about 4 months ago. They were making a barking noise when I stepped on the brake pedal. The dealer bled the brakes and reflashed software. Now the problem is back and they say I probably new a new brake actuator. It should be covered by the extended warranty. Has anyone else had this problem? I hope a new actuator will fix this. I like everything else about the car. (Have 37,000 miles)
You were probably in there before 36,000 miles the first time. Is your warranty the type that can be refunded if you run to the end without using it? If so, push to get this covered under the basic warranty, since it was first reported before that warranty ran out. There is also a TSB for actuator noise that involves reflashing the ECU.
seilerts Thanks for the good advice. The problem was reported before 36,000k. I think the actuator should have been replaced then. I think the basic warranty will cover the cost for that reason. My extended warranty is the refundable type so it makes sense not to use it if possible. I hope replacing the actuator will solve the brake noise for good. The brakes on my other car - a 2005 Prius - are very good - no noise at all.
Update. The dealer will bleed the brakes again and see if that works. If the noise comes back within a year they will replace the actuator. All under the original warranty.
Hi I'm wondering how your actuator problem worked out. I have a 2009 w/ 57,330 miles and the dealer says my actuator failed. No indications of anything till the lights went on after my 60,000 mile oil/inspection maintenance. These shouldn't fail and I don't have an extended warranty. Another issue is another post indicated that s/he changed the actuator out twice and I believe the real problem was never addressed. I'm curious if you have time to look at my posts and tell me what you know. Thanks. Gayle
I am also wondering if replacing the actuator solves the break noise problem. Any fresh updates are very appreciated. Please. PS: See my last post in the "Ongoing problem - air in brake system" thread for the attachment with break noise recordings, to confirm if you are hearing the same sound.
The mechanism that applies pressure to the fluid in the brake-line which causes the pads to apply pressure to the rotors at the wheels. Since in this case it is brake-by-wire, the module is more complicated than a master brake cylinder from days of old. There was a really good thread on this a while back that even had pictures. This leads me to my own question: Has anyone experiences a click/clunk coming from the front when reversing and applying the brakes gently (like reversing into a parking spot)? I do, and I asked about it last time @ the dealer. The tech came with me and heard it too... he said it was the actuator and normal.
This was very noticeable on my Honda Odyssey van, the first time I drove it in the morning. It may be the same thing: The brake pad is shaped in an arc. When it gets hot, it expands. When you back out of a parking spot first thing in the morning and hit the brakes, the cold, contracted pads slide backwards slightly, then stop -- clunk! Then you go forward, they roll forward, warm up, expand, all is normal and you can't reproduce the problem until the next morning. Solution: Back into your driveway at night. Or just ignore it. Or maybe it's something else and your car's about to explode.
The pads were what I thought it was and told the tech that. He did mention that the tundra had the problem but not the prius. He said he inspected the pads and they were fine and would not be causing the noise. Not really worried about it but thought I would ask.
Do you have a copy of the TSB you can post, or if not, the TSB number? Car is at dealer with brake honking noise.
T-SB-0363-10 Some 2010 Prius and early produced 2011 Prius vehicles may exhibit an abnormal noise when the brake pedal is released. The noise is typically heard when the vehicle is stopped. The ABS Actuator Skid Control Electronic Control Unit (ECU) calibration software has been revised to eliminate this noise. Production Change Information This TSB applies to vehicles produced BEFORE the Production Change Effective VINs shown below. MODEL PLANT PRODUCTION CHANGE EFFECTIVE VIN Tsutsumi #1 J JTDKN3DU#B0248672 Prius Tsutsumi #2 JTDKN3DU#B1317406 Toyota Auto Body JTDKN3DU#B5232759 Warranty Information OP CODE DESCRIPTION TIME OFP T1 T2 EL1034 Reflash Brake Actuator Skid Control ECU 1.0 47050-##### 91 99 APPLICABLE WARRANTY • This repair is covered under the Toyota Comprehensive Warranty. This warranty is in effect for 36 months or 36,000 miles, whichever occurs first, from the vehicle’s in-service date. • Warranty application is limited to occurrence of the specified condition described in this bulletin.
Thanks very much for the quick reply. The dealer called and said the TSB doesn't cover my car, and the test drive (including the area rep, who happened to be at the dealer) didn't replicate the intermittent issue I was having. Hopefully, having "registered" this issue will be of assistance should it rear its ugly head in the future, since my car is a few weeks from being out of warranty.
I had that done when it came out, and it fixed the issue for a while, but I've noticed the issue again recently, so while the car's at the dealer, they're doing T-SB-0102-11, which replaces a few other parts including the brake pads. Last night while reviewing the TSB provided by seilerts, I saw that my VIN is covered, so I called the dealer this morning and told them that even though they couldn't replicate the intermittent problem I've experienced, I was requesting that they do the ECU reflash. He said he'd speak to the service manager and get back to me. It's my first time at this dealer, so hopefully they'll do the right thing to earn my business as a new customer.