When I bought my Prius "C" I hadn't planned to purchase one that day, but just to check it out. So I didn't bring my "pink slip" trade title with me but assumed it was easily found at home. Longo Toyota went forward with the sale and trade and gave me a postage-paid envelope to send the trade car title in. Guess what! It's been several days and I have searched the house, and I cannot find the "pink slip" title. I have now researched the California Department of Motor Vehicles website and found the title duplicate request section. I will follow that up today with my salesman as to that procedure. This is how you give yourself aggravation upon the purchase of your new 2012 Prius "C." Lessons Learned: 1. Secure that "pink slip" car title in a good memorable location. 2. Don't go to car dealerships without that "pink slip" car title in your hand!
::thinks hard about where her car title is:: I may have been forward-thinking enough to put mine in my bank's safe deposit box. That's what I recommend. Now if I actually did that is another story.
Bum deal, I can only imagine what your house must look like after tearing it apart lol!! I don't mean to laugh about it, I just had a vision of myself going crazy tearing up my house if that were to happen to me. I hope it all works oit for you though!
In Arizona you can get a dup title the same day. Have dealt with California on a boat registration for about two years trying to tell them I no longer own the boat! Good luck!
I have a safe at home that I keep my car title's secured in. Bretaz - Here, we have a detachable section on the title's that you mail in when you sell the car. Every vehicle I've sold, I mailed it into the DMV, and I still have always received a registration renewal form on each vehicle when it was due to renew. I always send back the form stating that I sold the vehicle AND mailed the paperwork in stating as such.
Kirkuleez: If I can laugh about it, you can laugh about it! It's annoying but funny. My car salesman told me today to wait until next week and then contact the finance manager I dealt with who's currently on vacation. In other words no big rush and I've already signed my trade car away on another form. :cheer2:
Bretaz: One day in Arizona--I must be in the wrong state! I talked to my car salesman today, and he told me to wait until next week for the Finance Manager I dealt with to return from vacation. So, no rush, and, as I recall, I signed away my trade car to the dealership on another form. :cheer2:
Have dealt with California on a boat registration for about two years trying to tell them I no longer own the boat!
Well, McRose, we do have something in common! There's always a "fly in the ointment," isn't there? Good luck on your search--you'll need it! ray:
Not sure which would be worse for me, tearing the house apart looking for the title or listening to my wife yell at me for not being able to find it in the first place.
Suggestion JetAge Hobo: Always make sure your wife knows where you put the car title, so she can't blame you entirely!
Hope you find it. Can the dealer just do a title search on it? I just moved to CA last year. Before that I lived in MO. If you didn't have the title there, that is all they did. I know out here there is a whole lot more paperwork involved in everything.
Bad info all the way around. A pink slip isnt needed to purchase a new car or trade one in. the dealer can file for a lost pink right then and there. [in most states] as you noticed, they did the deal and secured your car for you.
You're a genius, Outhouse! They need you at the dealership to reassure people who can't find the car title "pink slip." In fact I bet there are many like me who end up in the same boat. Great info for me to use in a short letter to the dealer. I bet you're in the auto industry--maybe a dealership. Anyway--many thanks!