been noticing a slight noise when turning left and I cannot recall if this is normal or not. Typically I always play music when driving. It's very faint and sounds like scraping. Seems to come and go depending on the temp....that is when warmer I do not hear it. I got less than 1000 miles left on the warranty and would like to get opinions if it necessary to take into the shop. Btw, the shop wants $125 to walk in the door...hence the hesitation. Prius 2006 99200 miles Never had an issue.
Do you hear it at low speed, or only when turning on the road? Failing wheel bearings will make a rumbling sort of sound when loaded in a turn, but will be quiet when turning the other direction. Tom
do you have a smart phone? try to record the sound if possible. (i would use my suction cup stand) since you're too new to share photos or anything (not sure if links are banned for u still).. you could always email one of us the info to post for you. (if you cant post links yet, you could just send links) or reply about 5 more times (i think)... replies are timed... so you can't do it too quick.
you said it sounds like scraping. it could be a wheel touching the plastic inserts. those inserts can pop loose and be at just enough angle to touch a wheel on a hard turn. (on the genII anyway) are you sure it's a scraping, or is it more of a clicking? (i hope you don't think it's clicking or knocking)
It's scraping not clicking. I will jack the car up and take a look at this in the next couple days. Dealer told me over the phone they thought it sounds like the brakes but I've never heard of a prius wearing out pads @ 100K. I'll post what I find out.... Thanks for your response.
If it's a slight metalic scraping then it sounds like the front brakes to me. Do you find it happens more after the car has been stood or if it has been raining? What is the condition of the front discs/rotors? Is there any rust on them, are they pitted or is there a significant lip on the outer edge? Your pads might not be fully worn down but just catching on the disc lip. With the mileage on your car I'd suggest getting the brakes checked by a trusted garage or dealers. Replacement, if required, isn't that expensive.
my 2005 prius has the same problem.. noise only when i drive above 55km/hour.. noise when i left turn noise when i right turn or drive stright!!