Someone has posted a link to internal LED bulb replacement, previously: Super Bright LED Car Interior Lights | Toyota Prius SMD LED Car Lights Does anybody know how much amps LED draw vs Standard Light Bulb? It had happen few times already that kids won't turn off internal lights. During the summer it might not be a problem but in a winter time when battery is not that strong having internal lights ON all night can drain the battery to a point that relay will not engage to start the car; am I correct. So replacing these internal Lights with LED's might save the battery in this situation.
The old incandescent bulbs are pretty standard in how much power they draw, but the LED's vary wildly, depending on type and brightness and configuration, so the only place to get that info would be from whomever you are purchasing them from. In general, though, white LED's use 80% less power for the same amount of light generated, but that varies wildly, again. Generally, the brighter the LED (if it's a single chip), the less efficient it is.