Ouch. Painful. From the youtube comments "If Toyota was trying to tell people, never buy the Prius ever, mission accomplished." " This commerical is basically insulting the car" "Seriously Toyota, I like the Prius. It's a nifty car. Why do you hate it so much to put this awful commercial on the air? Pooch acupuncture and gluten-free sushi? Why? Why Toyota? Why?"
I found it super corny but that's what makes it funny. It's making fun of the sterotype often associated with people who drives Prius's. I think everyone has to be able to make fun of yourself just a little lol!! Is it dumb? Yes. Is it funny? If you are willing to make fun of yourself a little, I'd say it's funny in a mega cheesy kind of way.
Not sure whether to post here or the other thread... I seem to be one of the very few who think it's alright. Not my favorite commercial by any means, but I really don't think it's as terrible as everyone is making it out to be. It's cheesy and silly, and ironically stereotypical. They were clearly reaching for the young hipster crowd. Not hilarious or particularly witty, but I did enjoy the moustache twirl at the end. "This means I'm a chef!"
Funny without saying anything about the car though except that you REALLY want to drive it Funny Toyota Rav4 Murder Ad Banned Commercial 2011 Carjam Radio Show - YouTube Then there's this one, PG-13 for some foul language. Don't think this was the intended use of the Prius but still funny. Weeds Toyota Prius Commercial - YouTube
Then there's this one. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnL-7x4n4d8"]Volkswagen Terrorist Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, VW has had some good commercials lately. I'm definitely not a VW fan either. I posted a few of my faves at http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/90591-good-car-commercials-thread.html. I also loved http://priuschat.com/forums/other-c...sters-return-kick-old-school.html#post1494923.
I'll go ahead and say I agree with Ashley7 in that I like them. Not the very best commercials certainly, but I appreciate their inherent sense of humor and think they did a great job appealing to their target demographic. As a 27 year old female with an admitted quirky sense of humor, I think they did a good job trying to advocate the Prius C's functionality ("this is for your game of life") with oddball, abstract humor (mustache twirl and maltipoos). It is indeed meant to be a tongue-in-cheek laugh at oneself for the millenial generation - hybrid dogs, previously-obscure food preferences, etc. Edit - an extra thought is that I wanted to say I think somebody did a fantastic job thinking to get Bill Nye. I went to Toyota's site and watched every single one of his videos and laughed at each one. This thread makes me wish for national poll numbers on this ad campaign.
I told my friends about my new purchase and they wanted to know if it came with the obligatory Obama 2012 bumper sticker and a discount at Whole Foods. I said yes and that the interior was made of hemp. We have to be able to make fun of ourselves
I echo all you say here. It's infantile and insults the intelligence of its supposed target buyer demographic. What were they thinking?
Curious that Toyota didn't learn from Infiniti struggling at the start from their touch feely commercials that forgot to tell you about the car vs showing babbling brooks and scenery with nice music. Maybe it's a cost cutting ploy, they can make this commercial with a graphics whiz and some tunes.
I was getting dressed to go down to the Toyota dealership to place an order in for the c...and then I saw the ad...... (*phwew!*) ...THAT was a close one!