This morning crossing the Bay Bridge two '05 Priuses in tandem occupied the lane ahead of me to the left. As I pulled abeam the trailing Prius I spotted another '05 two lanes over to the right, and a 4th '05 about three cars up in the lane immediately to my right. For a brief second I entertained a notion of trying to get all 5 of us to form a line abreast of '05s across the 5 lanes of the bridge, but the lack of five way radio (as well as five hundred other logistical complications) arrested the impulse, and we all drove separately and obliviously to our destinations. What other model of car would form a spontaneous herd of 5 today, all the same year? And here I thought I was NOT a herd follower ... Mark Baird Aalmeda CA
Now, maybe that would be a good idea to pass on to Toyota: other Prius should be mapped live as POIs on the NAV, together with ALL WAY RADIO between the owners... just to coordinate such "priding of Prii"... Just a thought for improving a fascinating car... or is it more like a mini personal spaceship?
The other day I pulled up behind a white Prius in my Blue one. In front, of the white one was a Red one. I laughed, and thought, how patriotic! Oddly enough, the woman in the white Prius was smoking. Strange sight in Boulder! Nate
Hmmm....yes, that sounds good to. I recall a thread recently that had something to do with all the different sorts of 'groups' that multiple Prii could be a part of...gaggles, harems, flocks, fleets, etc. What was the rhino one??
Crash of rhinos. I knew it sounded like something heavy. Terms for groups of animals I think the old thread was lost in the recent crash. Couldn't find it.
How can you tell the difference between an O4 and an O5? Or, for that matter between either of the two and an O6?
I can't tell the difference between the '04 & '05, maybe the colors selection was different. From the front, the center piece of the grill in the '06 is chrome, while it's the same color as the paint in the '04 & '05. The tail lights are different in the '06 as well.
Battery of Prii for teh WIN! When we pass all the SUVs crying at the pump this summer, perhaps we can become a "murder of Prii" (as in crows).
I'd cast a vote for "Pride of Prii", although pack and pod are close seconds. Is "Prii" the accepted plural of Prius? Is it pronounced PREE-eye?
Depending on how fast they were driving . . . it could be described as . . . A Stealth of Prii (you can see them, but you can't always hear them)