If California allows Prius's to drive in the carpool lane with a single occupant, has anyone thought what that will look like? One lane will contain a long line, nearly exclusively, of Prius's. Talk about an effective advertising campaign ...
Don't need that - the other day (Thursday), I was stuck at the "El Toro Y" where the 5 and 405 rejoin in SoCal (OC). Within a 100 yard (or meter) radius, there were 4 2004 Prius - 3 silver, and my Tideland. Two in front, and one behind. One got off at the El Toro exit as I did. Two nights before, I had passed one at a Walmart, and then came out, and had a Seaside (w/ Family Toyota dealer plates) parked opposite of me. We seem to "attract" each other when we're driving.
I am one of 4 prii people at my church (unitarian if you are wondering). There used to be one silver and one seaside and today another silver with temp tags showed up!
There's 2 other '04s within 3 blocks of me. There's at least 2 others in my company parking lot. Yesterday driving on surface streets came to a 4 way stop. Coming towards me was a tideland '04. coming in from the left was a light blue classic prius. SO either there's lots more of the prii or my sensitivity has been raised since i got my toy. cas (driftwood #7 less than 600 miles)
I see at least one '04 almost every single day, and the days of multiple sightings have become almost the norm. 3 Prii at the same intersection is pretty good, but 9 in a single day? Only in Southern California! I fondly remember the days (way back in November '03) when I was one of the only '04's on the road...proud to be Prius. James '04 Seaside BC Orange County, CA