Does anyone know how long it is currently taking for the California DMV to send the HOV stickers once you have applied? When I applied for my wife's Civic earlier this year, it took less than a it has taken over 2 weeks for my 06 Prius and my check hasn't yet cleared. Thanks for the info!
and it is still not only the returned form because I did nt send a copy of my registration ...then got the transponder but no stickers have to send to DMV for those...what a lot of hassle....not to mention trying to find the form for the stickers on the DMV sight...good job I ahve a PhD....d
Have you seen a Prius with the stickers on? I'm not gonna do that to my car. They are YELLOW, BIG, UGLY, and they want them all over your car. I don't use the Diamond Lane that often, and don't even come close to one on my commute, but it would be nice to use it if I needed to, and sometimes I do. Not worth it for me to put those things on every fender for me. Somebody should come up with a flexible magnet to put your stickers on so they can be removed. The thing I don't understand is; can't the police recognize a Prius when they see one?
Not every Prius in California is entitled to be in the carpool lane during commute hours. Only those with the required number of occupants to make a carpool or those with the proper stickers displayed can be in the HOV lanes legally. The number of stickers issued is limited, and the current law limits the validity of the stickers to a couple of years. The lack of visual appeal and magnet ideas have been discussed before. The stickers are removable within five years when done properly (industrial heat gun and 30-60 degree pull angle relative to the original position of the sticker).
If you don't plan on using the hov lane then please don't request stickers from the state. Make sure you leave them for someone who wants to use the hov lanes to their advantage. That is the number one reason I purchased the Prius. Otherwise I would have bought a Ford Focus or some other economy car. But with the Prius I can use the carpool lane as soon as I get my stickers, and you better believe I will stiick them right to the car where they are supposed to go. Al...
Aw crap... "got only the returned form because I did nt send a copy of my registration" ... I just sent in mine today - top half of the DMV form - $8 check - copy of the transponder print out Was I supposed to send in a copy of the dealer yellow paper? I don't think I got a registration thing. The only registration thing I'm aware of is the one the dealer sticks to the windshield. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Sounds like you did exactly what I did. Did you by any chance try to insure via AAA? Did they have your VIN# in their system? AAA did not have my VIN# (2006), and DMV did not have it either. So, just a little concerned that my application to DMV might be rejected/returned.
No, I didn't try AAA. I called the Finance dept of the dealer I bought it from. They said they physically mail the stuff to the DMV and not electronically... The CA DMV number is 1 (800) 777-0133. I don't have my VIN with me to check.
You have you VIN number on the car. Look through the windshield on the driver's side you will see a plate with the VIN number on it.
I didn't request them and won't. Like I said, i only occasionally need to use the diamond lane.. I don't use it daily or I would be looking harder for alternatives like the flexible magnets. I just thought other people might want to consider getting their stickers. They might not know exactly what the highway patrol is requiring you to do by having them all over their car. In my case, the aesthetics outway the alternatives.
I'm in Southern California. I commute daily on Los Angeles area freeways, the 405, the 605, and the 105. All of them have HOV lanes that I STILL can't legally enter alone. I purchased my Prius on November 5th. Mailed in my form on November 7th. My check was cashed by the DMV on November 21. I'm still waiting for my stickers 6 weeks later! The frustration hits every single day during my commute when I see new Prius cars in the HOV lane with nothing but the dealer's placard for a license plate. The other bit of frustration comes from reading peoples posts on Prius message boards about recieving their stickers in two to four weeks! I actually regularly count more brand new cars with HOV stickers, than registered and Classic Prius cars on any given day. That mean that ALOT of people have purchased their brand new Prius since last August simply to use the HOV lanes!
I just called CA DMV to check my car registration and clean air application status. My check from early last week still has not cleared yet. They are mentioning 60 day for processing! I asked about registration and they mentioned 4-6 weeks! Definitely not something I had wanted to hear.
I have been told the HOV processing time is approx. 3 weeks provided your VIN is in the system by the time the Special Processing Unit gets to your application. Getting the VIN in the system can take awhile. With my 2005, the dealer took over 2 weeks to send in the paperwork, then another 2 weeks for DMV to get it in the system. With my 2006, the dealer (a different dealer) walked the paperwork to DMV and I had the plates (and VIN in the system) within 2 days.
My wife is crying as she reads these posts. It takes her sometimes 2 hours to go 28 miles to work. She sometimes takes side streets instead of the Freeway to get to work. When she comes home she is absolutely exhausted. I know the Prius will someday make her drive more enjoyable. Is there a spell checker?
Repeat after me... I will be getting my sticker and all will be happy. I will be getting my sticker and all will be happy. Just remember all us us who had to wait 4-6 months for our cars, and that wait was very hard - driving an old old car... Just think of all the fuel you are saving and less emissions you are spewing...
My check to the DMV cleared last Thursday, but still no sticker! I didn't send a registration copy either...but nowhere on the application does it say to send one, so I am sitting here hoping that stickers arrive soon.
I picked up my 06 on Staurday. Picked up the FasTrak stuff on Monday and mailed all the paperwork (and check) in on Monday night. I'll keep you posted. As for the car being in the DMV system, my dealer said he would "walk" the paper work through. Not sure what that means.