I know there are discussions going on here about some cities with old maping data and missing roads. This is a diferent question. What is the geographic area that the Nav map is supposed to cover? all of the US, All US plus canada? sothern canada? etc.
they say it's supposed to cover USA and Canada. When I went to check out Canada it was missing A LOT of it. The whole Newfoundland is missing. It's non existent on the GPS, not even contours of it.
The '06 nav coverage maps show Newfoundland but with no highly detailed areas. Maggie, yours is an '05? Can someone in an '06 confirm Newfoundland is covered? (We are going to take the Prius there next summer).
yes, my '05 with NAV version 4.2 does not have Newfoundland at all. It shows Atlantic Ocean instead in that spot. how nice. I called Denso and Toyota about it and told them that they should not say Canada is included if major chunks are missing.