It seems that there is not much data on mpg's, calculated vs computer generated etc. By now I am sure some Priuc C owners have filled their gas tank and may have a good idea on the mpg's they are getting. Also in regards to tank size when the pump clicks off on auto when filling can you still pump in another gallon or two. On our Prius you can still pump in 2 more gallons given the true gas tank capacity somewhere around 13 gallons.
I have only refilled once so far and the computer was one mpg above actual. I'm probably 75 miles from my second fill up with about 750 miles on the car. This tank close to 350 miles on it, the computer states 52.7 mpg's so far. That include two highway trips of about 190 miles, the rest mainly city stop and go traffic.
In regards to pumping more gas after it clicks off, I don't know because I was always told you can damage your car from overstuffing it w gas so I always let it click off.
Thanks for your reply, many of us out here are thirsty for more data. I know that is an opinion some people have about filling to max. When Wayne Gerdes from tested the Prius C he filled up to the top of the neck. Drove about 60 miles and filled up at the same gas station and pump and filled up to the top of the neck again. I believe he got 85 mpg or so and the mpg guage was off less than 1%. But Wayne never stated how much gas he pumped in after the pump auto clicked off.
I believe the C does not have a bladder so we should be able to make pretty reliable calculations. Anything better than the 56 I was getting from my 06IV is a treat. Gas is up to $4.70 now.
No problem Alfon, it takes awhile to empty that little tank on these things lol! On many of my shorter in town trips I often get in the 60's and 70's mpgs my best being 89.2 on a little two mile trip home from the video store. Very impressed!!
Thanks for your response, every piece of Prius C data is nice and somewhat hard to come by. Have you had a chance to check your total mpg for a tank than check your computer readout for mpg as compared to calculated mpg's. Also does the cold have an adverse effect on mpg's. I know out here in rainy 40 degree weather our mpg's drop at least 7 mpg, compared to summer.
Only my first tank which the computer was one mpg high compared to me calculating miles divided by gallons and that tank was filled by the dealer so I don't know if it was truly full or not. I should be filling up again tomorrow or the next day seeing I'm at 405 miles on this tank already w 2 bars showing yet. That's pretty darn good considering it's only a 9.5 gallon tank which my guess would be it'll only take about 8 gallons once the gas light comes on or at most 8.5. I'll post it up when I do.
I'm about a day away from my second fill-up for my Prius c... I drive 50 highway miles each way to work (in New England; not exactly flat or straight). Over all, I do less than 20% of my driving on back roads. My first tankful took me 488 miles and averaged 59 mpg (in ECO mode). My current (second) tankful has so far taken me just over 420 miles, and I'm showing 3 bars on my fuel level (which represents just under 3 gallons remaining-- there are 10 bars for the 9.5 gallon tank). My next experiment will be checking how far I go without using the ECO mode at all (to see whether there is a significant difference or not). On back roads, I EASILY get 60+ and 70+ mpg, and can't seem to get anything under an average of 51 mpg. Highway average also seems to be most frequently at about the same 51 (with obvious increases when able to coast and on flatter sections). I have yet to see anything under 45 mpg on the highway so far...
I have not used Eco mode yet. Does it zap a lot of power and do you leave it on all the time?? Those are very impressive numbers!!
Eco mode does not zap power. It simply changes the throttle mapping so that applying 50% gas pedal input in Eco Mode will result in a different amount of actual throttle opening vs. The same input in Power mode. It just makes the car feel more peppy when in Normal or Power mode. Total horsepower/torque is the same in every mode. If you are in Eco Mode but need to merge onto the freeway then mash the gas pedal, it will get you up to speed jus as fast as if you were in power mode. The main point to Eco Mode is throttle control. It allows for more gentle transitions between ICE (engine) on and engine off. If you are trying to maintain careful pedal control for pile and glide then Eco Mode makes this easier. Power mode makes hyper idling harder because fine control of the gas pedal is lost. Eco Mode also reduces mpg loss from the AC compressor by reducing compressor speed and/or load. I find Eco Mode annoying when city driving so I keep it in Normal mode then switch to Eco Mode when crushing or on the freeway. The Prius c may react differently so just put it I whatever mode feels good to you.
Thanks F8L. I'll have to experiment with it, I am pretty happy with my mpg numbers without it tho but I'd like to see if I can get even better.
With more seat time and more reading in the GenIII forums you will no doubt get even better mpg than you are now. Throw in warmer temps and summer blend fuel and your grin is going to be a mile wide. In my GenII I always hard a hard time getting even 48mpg. By the time I sold it 6yrs later I had zero trouble getting 55-57mpg if I wanted to.
Sounds like a double bonus to me!!! It's funny since getting the C I find myself getting disappointed if I get below 45 mpg's but then I remind myself that's still pretty gosh darn good lol! Especially compared to my Fit which was usually closer to 33 or 34 mpg's.
in reality, best is to compare only your own numbers, just in different cars... for instance, you also see a lot of people saying they get 39-40 mpg in Fit.
Agreed Spwolf. I have achieved those numbers in the Fit but my overall mpg's over 30,000 miles was closer to about just above 33 mpg's.
Cool can't wait to hear the eco mode off numbers. I also have the C4 with seats heaters which I love and have been using and so far have 3 bars left and went 420miles. Once I fill up ill post the accurate date i have.