I live in the Dallas area and am buying my Plug-In in Tucson in a couple of weeks, then driving 1,000 miles back home. I'll post on the forum how I do with MPG on the trip.
I haven't seen any solid reports for a long highway trip in a new c. I know many are concerned because of the 46 MPG rating. ... I have a suspicion it will be a lot more than 46 MPG and I'm hope I'm right!
I drove my C 425 miles and averaged 49.9. Went from Asheville North Carrolina to Dayton Ohio. Lots of hills and mountains.
I averaged 56-57 on the freeway for two hours after it broke in a little above 200 miles funny breaking in going downhill it avergaed 44mpg but i was doing 70mph doing 64 mph gave me great results
Please new Prius C owners be sure to post in the proper forum heading for mpg calculated vs computer when you fill up and compare calculated mpg and what the computer mpg states. James stated his mpg computer gauge was spot on. I and I am sure many forum members would like to see other new owners post their results. I remember when I purchased our Prius in May of 2009. the computer was off and I was not even aware until I filled it a few times.
I have no reason to believe anyone should end up under 46 MPG on the interstate, I seem to be doing a little better then that on my 115 miles interstate commutes. closer to 49 i would estimate. I will be going to TN april 1st, and Chicago April 17th, so I should be at 4000 by mid April, and I will try to observe those trips closely along with my work commutes and give you guys a better idea.
oh hey, it's you posting up on fuelly.com ... good job! It's nice to see a signature and bam, there's your running avg. MPG. btw, 51.9 is very good. The 3rd gen Prius has not reached 49 even with hundreds of cars logged. Some get it, some don't. I'm hoping the c will be a little over 50 for all owners combined. fyi, the most fuel efficient gas car I know of is still the original Honda Insight. Average MPG are high 50's like 59 mpg.
I drive 34 miles everyday to work on a very hilly road and I get 54.4 miles on average. Bought my c to drive to work as I was only getting 20 in my grand prix.
Today I took my girlfriend on my 35 mile journey to work (one way) and with windows up and ac on was only getting 42 on the way there until we got in the city it ended up being 48ish all together. Then on the way home same route with windows down and moonroof open was averaging 67 and after getting in the city home was 72 mpg's. I believe wind direction plays a major factor with the prius c. Not complaining, just an observation on the drastic difference.
I would say so too.. wind/weather conditions along with hilly terrain only gave me a lovely 48.3 mpg average (fuelly calculated) on my last tank...
Prius computer.. iirc.. was 50.something.. imo.. I sorta trust the Prius computer a little bit more.. at this moment in time anyway. I haven't fueled up at the same gas station or the same pump yet.. and it varies on when the pump likes to shut off during fueling up.. so the fuelly calculations could possibly be off from that. also.. i know that the weather certainly hasn't been great.. so I am contributing that factor as why it wasn't that great this time around.
145km trip between Revelstoke and Golden, BC thru the Rogers Pass , I average 4.2 L/100Km and 4.1 to 4.0L/100Km on the trip back (from the display)...manual calculations anywhere from 65 to 68.8 miles/imp gallon
Drove from Los Angeles to las Vegas and back several times in my C. Averaged about 43 or 44mpg according to fuelly. With usually 1 or 2 passengers and luggage. That trek has a lot of hills across the desert. I probably could have gotten higher mpg if I drove more conservatively but most people were driving 75-90mph, and I stayed mostly 75-80mph just to keep with traffic.