I purchased my base "c Two" at Town & Country Toyota (Charlotte, NC; Sonic Automotive) for under M.S.R.P. I did a lot of online research to find that! Many dealers begin with the same target M.S.R.P. (base + delivery) and add from there (or not), depending on the dealership. Some delivery rates are higher; some are lower and are rare finds. To be honest, I didn't find much difference between urban and rural dealerships. BTW, my experience at T&C was great! Richard
I am about to do my paperwork for the Prius C 2 and am being offered invoice price ($19980.76) plus all other fees. Remember that the dealer does get a hold back from the manufacturer on top of what is not even on the invoice so no matter how much they hem and haw about how they are losing money on the deal, they aren't. They also charge $140 for floor mats, and that's not gonna fly so either I get them comped or they can take them out. Make sure you guys are firm and shop around, and after researching several dealerships, turn their quotes on each other so they can counter with a better offer. Heres hoping everything goes through ok, and happy hunting to you all.
I just bought a Prius C 4 in Black Sand Pearl with the 16 inch alloy wheel and moonroof package today! I bought my car from Morgan at the Chico, CA dealership and he gave me the great deal. MSRP on this car was $25,365 which includes that package and carpeted floor mats for $220 which you cannot remove. After emailing a few different dealerships, I was able to get $500 over invoice or $871 under MSRP. I did finance the car and I was able to 2.99%, which is just OK, but Toyota isn't offering any good deals on Prius financing right now. Hopefully I can pay off the car earlier to reduce the interest. I think if you live in an area with multiple dealerships you can bargain much more. I also think that if I had waited a little longer I might have been able to get a few hundred more off, but I had not seen many Black Sand Pearl cars with the package that I wanted, so I didn't want to risk having to get the car in a different color. My advice would be to definitely NOT settle for buying the car at MSRP at this point in time.
I got $600 off because they wanted to sell me the model on the lot and complete the sale in March rather than me wait for the red one to show up in April.
I just put down the $500 deposit and they quoted me MSRP + taxes and fees. Would it be wrong to negotiate a better price when it arrives?
In my opinion, you've got nothing to lose. I doubt they'll budge though. However, one of my friends who works in the business told me that Japanese car companies pay the dealerships graduated payouts depending on how many cars are sold in the month. So if they sell, say, 100 cars they get an extra $75 for each car sold. If they sell 150 they get $125, and so on. So the more they sell the more cash from the company they get for each car sold that month. So...my point is that if you're getting in March they might be willing to negotiate. Sales have been really high this month and by completing more sales this month they'll make more for each and every car sold. Bottom line - nothing to lose by trying. Good luck! I looooove my new car.
bought my c1 monday and paid under sticker plus free floor mats and locking lugnuts Basically a little under starting price as mine only has the 2 aforementioned options. I have the car that was said not to exist. The under 19000 hybrid.
I just bought a Prius C package 3 yesterday from Dublin Toyota, here in Northern California. MSRP was $23,470 (with moonroof and carpet) and we walked out the door with it for $22,056- that's DMV, licensing, everything! We traded in our 2006 SR5 4Runner with 33k on it. KBB for very good condition was $19,800, which of course no one is going to hit that. But after whittling away at them, they gave us $18k for trade-in, so we made them take more off the sticker. Toyota is definitely willing to play. You just gotta work at it.
Not so simple around here (Long Island, NY). I took an extended test drive of a Three at a local dealer today, and they wouldn't budge below MSRP, even when I told them I was ready to order right away. They didn't have the color in stock that I wanted, and I told them I was prepared to wait for the exact model to be ordered for me from the factory if the price was right. I then emailed two other local dealers asking for a quote on a Black Three with 15" alloy wheels and no other add-ons of any kind (including floor mats). In response to my detailed request, one dealer said only "I would need to get that exact vehicle in stock first" and did not give a price. The other dealer told me that all available models come with floor mats, and also wouldn't quote a price: "We do honor all competitor pricing and I am certainly here to do that for you. Is there a price you are looking to do a bit better on?"
Buy it outside of the bay area that will help. I bought my Prius III from Hanford Toyota in the valley. The prices are better here at least you won't pay over list.
^It is actually...a few folks have haggled and managed to get it under MSRP. Assuredly an exception rather than a rule.
Strictly from my observation, it doesn't seem like Toyota will make a car without floor mats in some form (all weather or carpeted). Also, most dealerships won't make you a good deal if they don't have the car on their lot, or if they can't find the car within a certain mile radius from another dealership. I'm also not sure if they can actually order you a car, or if they just wait for one to come to a nearby port. I know other manufacturers don't. I searched the inventory of dealership websites of places I was willing to drive to so that I could get an idea of how difficult it was to get the exact car that I wanted.
as prices of fuel go up, and Prius c is already under tight supply, I really dont think you will start seeing better deals in the next few months... maybe only worse ones.
I'm prepared to temper my requirements if necessary, but figured it couldn't hurt to start out telling them exactly what I want. One of the other dealers has now said they will place a factory order if necessary, but they may just be stringing me along. They asked me for a target price and I told them a few hundred dollars under MSRP to see what they say.
As Dianne has mentioned dealers get rewarded with more allocation for selling (a) the right model (b) the right trim (c) quickly. So, I'd expect that to get a deal on it you'd want to make a quick sale of a car straight off the lot, in a trim and color that sits longer than the others.
I'm waiting for my Prius c Two to arrive, but I went through a local company who finds the car and negotiates the price for you. They found my color on a boat, and were able to get it for $400 over invoice. With their finders fee (but not including DMV fees), it comes to somewhere around $20,600. Pretty much right on MSRP. My local dealer has the Two stickered at $20,800, but I have no idea how much they're willing to negotiate. There really isn't a lot of room between invoice/MSRP/sticker. It's possible I could have gotten a better deal with them, but the potential difference is small enough (couple hundred dollars?) that it was completely worth it to me to skip all the dealership crap. I might never go to a dealership again. Dealing with the salesman during the test drive alone made me want to tear my hair out.
So I got my C 2 metallic gray over the weekend, my total price after fees was $21475! I got it at DCH in Simi Valley if anyone else is trying to get in on the lower price, this was Invoice not a couple hundred off of msrp, (although mine was an all cash deal and no trade in so I don't know if that affected the price at all, and since they make more off of financing I couldn't imagine it would in a good way.) Also, I noticed a lot of people in here are saying you have to buy the mats, this is false, its just that the dealer can't do anything with the mats if you don't take them. I told them I did not want the mats and would not pay for them, they took the price of the mats off and the manager said he would keep them, and my dealer "snuck them into my car for me" while they washed it up. Woot for free mats They also had it tinted from the other dealership they picked it up at, I told them I wouldnt pay for it but they could leave it on (it looked awesome but the key is to act like you couldn't care less) and they left that on for free too. Anyways, if anyone is in my area, bc it sounds like no one else is getting invoice, I can give you the name of the guy I dealt with and you can try your luck. Ps I am not a dealer or anything just wanna share a possible better price with you guys. Good luck!