My 2012 prius has a screen feature called "Eco Savings Record". I can plug in the mileage from my previous car (2007 wrangler 4-door, 15mpg) and the price of gas and get a monthly savings amount. Pretty cool feature since i drive a ton. But the y axis seems to stop at $200 in March...anyone notice this and if so, is there a fix to extend the savings $$ above the $200 level?
Hmm...must be new to the 2012 or available with Nav, cause I have no idea what you're talking about! Hopefully someone else can chime in.
maybe i got it by mistake! but it's definatley there on a 2012 prius 3. (which is the lowest model? 3 i think..if not i have a 2...i have whichever is the lowest model available). it's an awesome feature...basically lets me know when i've made up my car payment by saving $$ in gas. but i friggin wish it went over $200. i'm probably in line to save $400-$500 or so.
It has that on my 2012 also but I didn't play with it enough to know I could plug in the mpg of another vehicle and compare. It is kind of cumbersome to adjust though. I would hate to have to update the gas price info every time I fill up which is about twice a week or so.