I synced my contacts and they exceed the maximum 1,000 contacts. I should cull through my contacts and get rid of some. But really I don't want anywhere near that many. I would like to input my personal contacts which would be a few hundred only. Is there a way to select a 'folder' of my iPhone contacts? Right now the Prius tries to download every folder I have.
I run Android 2.3.3, 1st gen Droid. I was able to select which files I want and upload via a program called Bluetooth File Transfer. Maybe something similar exists for iPhone
Haven't done it myself, but here's some links I found: Top Contact Apps for iPhone - 8 Best iPhone Contact Apps - Contact iPhone Applications iPhone Contacts App | Art of the iPhone
Ahh, so you download an iPhone app to mess with the contacts? That's counter productive. Wish I could simply select a group of names I've made with the iPhone proprietary address book.
It is real easy - if you are sync'ing with Address Book on a Mac. In Address Book, create a new Group ('Prius'), and drag only those contacts you wish into the group. Then sync Address Book with your phone. Now when you sync with the car, you can select the 'Prius' group.
At the top left corner of main contacts screen, there's a Groups arrow. Pressing that takes you to a screen listing available groups of contacts you can select.
ggood: We have the 2012 Prius and don't see this option for Groups. Do you have any idea where they may have moved the feature to? Thank you very much.
Just to be clear, I was referring to the iphone screen, not the car's screen. You select contacts on the phone, and the Groups button/arrow will be at the top left corner. This is on an iPhone 4, with the latest operating system, but should probably work on any iPhone. I don't remember this changing over the years.
I just bought the III trim package with bluetooth. Is there a way to sync my contacts with the prius? I don't have the NAV, just bluetooth. It says wiating for sync, but not sure what I need to do on the iphone side. Any help is very much appreciated!!
I just bought 2012 with HDD Nav. I have the same problem. Did you figure out how to add contacts manually or only a few rather than all of them?
I have over 1000 contacts also. This is not unusual depending on your line of work and social skills. I am diappointed in the limit of 1000 contacts. I see no way to change this...
I have the III non-nav, and a jail broken iphone4 that can send via Bluetooth. But the car still doesn't receive the contacts. Is there anything else I can try. I don't want to enter them all. What I really want is for an incoming call to show a name. Right now, it shows the phone number calling me, but that's not very helpful.
I realize this is an older post but I just discovered something. On the iPhone 4 you can go into your bluetooth settings for this specific connection and select a group, favorites, and recents to be the only groups that sync with your Prius.