I finally decided to purchase Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) Five (w/o options) in Clear Sky Blue to replace my trusted 12year old Tahoe. But it seems it is very difficultto find one in that color in East Coast, and I do not know when I can get one. My current color of Tahoe conceals dust, dirt, and small scratches very well, and I do not want to have a dark colored car for that reason even though the blue looks really nice. What color is your Prius v? Any feed back? Thanks!
Ours is Clear Sky Metallic, we were leaning towards a red on but this was available and was a 5 model, just what we were looking for. We both love the color and it hides the dirt as well as our old Explorer which was silver. It's a unique color blue or silver depending on the light. We bought it here in the NW on Halloween.
I saw two Clear SkyMetallic Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) at one dealership but they were not FIVE.s So I assumed that it would be easy to find FIVE in that color. But obviously it is not! Lucky you!
I have a red Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) and got my first speeding ticket in 20 years. I didn't even know I was speeding but I guess that is because the car is so quiet and I was going down a hill. Oh well good luck finding your color. Red is alright it shows some dirt but not bad.
I got Silver cause they didn't have a Blue Metallic Model 5 ATP. And normally, Cops profile Red, Black and sometimes Silver/Yellow for speeders...
Priusv 5 is Silver/Gray Leather int. However, when I went in to pick it up there was a Black one on the floor and it looked Hot. I almost switched but went with the Silver as it hids everything.
I too got the magnetic gray and the dark gray interior. I love the color setup but now I see the magnetic gray on like 1/5 of all Prius on the road.
I just ordered Blizzard with misty grey interior. There were no (zero) fives in the surrounding area. Seems NE and California have no problem finding fives. MY dealership said they have never seen a five w/ATP so they will when mine comes in.. still crossing fingers until I get a build date. Good Luck in your search.
Blizzard Pearl w/Bisque....it was between this color and your Sky Blue but my wife's Cruze is very close to the Toyota Sky Blue..It was ordered by the dealer the second week in Feb and arrived 3/08....
Silver with dark gray interior. I usually buy silver or light gray vehicles as these colors tend to hide scratches and other imperfections better than other colors.
My husband bought mine on Halloween also. Quite a treat! It's shiny black and I had the windows tinted. It looks great! I have not seen one other Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) on the road, anywhere . One of a kind? I'm having troubles now trying to sync the Internet from my iPhone 4s. Had no problems with iPhone 3G. Any ideas?
Have you tried using the USB cable? Here we have a v5 blue ribbon metallic and dark gray interior and a v3 that is magnetic gray with dark gray as well. W
v 5 Black with dark gray interior and atp. hard to get here in UT. took 2 months. had it 2 weeks now and filled it up for the first time. computer said 42.5 mpg but actual was 44.5 mpg. Loving it after my Durango of 14 years (12 mpg)
I got my v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) 5 about a month ago. Wonderful car. Mine is clear sky metallic with the dark gray interior.