John has made the newspaper again! Way to go John. Jeff
bummer, they want us to sign up. Don't want more spam, so I'm going to pass on this one. Maybe John will put the text on his website. Atoyot
Try this to log in: username: [email protected] password: access That way you won't get spam! So many of us who belong to the ArtsJournal newsletter use it, it's pretty effectively anonymized.
LOL That would be a neat trick though. The faster you drive, the more you have to pay for gas! All the little old ladies would be payed 0.05$ a gallon again! :?
Daniel, the meaning of that statement is that driving faster yields much lower fuel economy, in effect costing you more per year of driving. Since people are so fixated on fuel prices, stating it in this manner, gets the point out that speeding costs money.