fixin to (live in nashville am authorized to say fixin to) hook up my old scan guage II to my c. have not used it in quite a while. bought it about 4yrs ago or so. just a fun guage. i think it will give me water temp and rpms. im sure many other things but im not sure what ill use. am i the first c guy to hook one up?
Did you hook the scan gauge II up? Got it working? Would be a great way to get temp and revs. And are those black rims on that black c I see in the Avatar pic? Very nice. After market wheels? Do we know the c's wheel offset yet?
yeah, its working fine. is giving water temp and rpm as well as 12volt read out. plug in wrap around steering column twice velcro to dash. thanks about the wheel covers. habanerobomb and i both have them. it was his idea. i hate the look of the factory covers and the black wheels are just old timey stamped black. these are autozone black wheel covers complete with fake(!) chrome rim and nuts. i like the look bettter and a nice experiment i think for $40. i think it makes "shorty" look almost mean (in a nice, non threatening, benign way).
Is there some setting that you have to set for hybrids like a fuel cutoff mode number? How do you determine that if my memory serves correct?
i think you are right but i did not do any of that this time. i just plugged it in and scanned til i got to temp and rpm