My 2003 Prius has stalled on the highway 4 times. I have contacted the Better Buisness Bureu, Fed Highy Saftey and Federal Trade Commission. The car is now in Arbitration, but the dealer has offered 14,500.00 to buy the car. Any other experiences out there?
all depends on location, miles, and condition - but I would assume just from the nature of the beast, that they are offering you less...
So, there's no news-making history of stalling for the 2003's? No update to fix whatever code comes up? No nothing??...
Each time it has stalled the dealership says they have fixed it and send me on my way. I drive about 90 miles a day with my 8 year old daughter. This is just not a safe situation.
So the Arbitrator has the list of things actually done each time, and it consist of more than the written equivalent of a shrug?...
A friend of mine has an '01 or '02, not sure which. It stalled on her once and would not start. Had to sit at a dealership over a weekend, and when they opened on Monday the car started and ran fine without their doing anything. This was a year or two ago, and she's had no problems with it since. This is a known, but uncommon problem. I'm not aware if anyone knows what causes it.