From a new Optima. There's a horizontal crack almost surrounding the negative pole, with about 1/8 of an inch between two ends of the crack. (the black line about half way of the pole) It is not deep like I can flip the top, just a crack that worries me. the clamp would have covered the crack but would gas come up from that crack and blow up my prius? Should I be concerned?
Are one of your posts black, with the other one being red? If this is the case you are not looking at the posts but at the protective covers for the posts. The covers are there for shipping and to show that the battery has never been installed anywhere. They must be removed before attaching the cables to the battery. The battery case is also marked with + and - next to the appropriate posts. You will see some tabs at the base of these covers. Pull them off and you will then see the posts, which are silver in color. You can either discard the covers or slip them over the posts of your old battery before you take it in for recycling, if you haven't done it already.
I am not looking at the plastic cover of course I am still using a camera phone without a flash... that's why the pole look black. It's grey/silver-ish color, and it's the negative pole. Robert said that looks like a plastic covering the actual metal terminal. OK you said no as I was posting- did you get batt from eLearnaid? If so instructions should be detailed, and you can ask then for assist or safety ruling.
Oowww, I almost broke my neck looking at the pic. Looks like the top of the terminal is indeed cracked. Does the battery clamp give you a good SOLID lock? If no contact eLearnaid or whomever you bought the battery from, take another photo, this time rotate the phone. Send the pic to Optima and see what they say, could be warranty, could be nothing. A pic is worth 1000 words, also enable the flash!
use a flashlight + camera if the phone has no flash. Even a desk lamp or floor lamp would work, just add more light. As to the battery terminal it's just a hunk of lead. Lead is a very soft metal (similar in consistency to gold) so it's very easy to scratch, gouge, deform. I can't tell from the dark picture but I'm guessing you have cosmetic "damage" to the post but nothing that would affect function or safety.