Ugh. Every time I see this commercial I get the urge to shotgun a budweiser and shoot a 12 point buck... and I'm not even sure I know what either of those things mean.
Hate the commercial, all it does is reinforce the stereotype that Prius drivers are all... well...@$$holes.
I just saw the commercial again. It doesn't get better, at all. On the other hand, I keyed on the white c during the few moments it was on screen. Had a test drive in a black c, and have briefly passed by a silver c, so it was nice to see the white color on it for comparison. The sooner they drop that add, the better. Demographic or no demographic, it's totally Horrorgraphic. I'm trying to be nice. I may be too frightened to order mine now.
I'm hoping that the ad is canned too! I have a feeling they just may pull it off the air. I spoke to some friends about it, ones that do not drive a Prius, and they too thought it was horrid. I hope Toyota realizes that this marketing campaign is a MAJOR fail!
Advertising being what it is - all this attention we're giving it actually may be what they are going for. Ads can be well-done - some of the classy ads are beautiful but we don't remember them after a few minutes. This ad is so horrible we can't get it out of our minds - no way can we forget this..."Oh! The Horror! The Horror!!"
Advertising is all about name recognition. The goal is that the person will later see the name and see it as familiar, even if they don't exactly remember why. Yes there is a certain amount of risk to doing stupid ads , but from a marketing point of view the greater risk is not being noticed. What do I think of the ad? I think it's Pee-Yewshi.
I hate this commercial because it basically insults their customers. We know Prius owners have a reputation for being smug quinoa-eating yuppies. I LIKE QUINOA TOO! And I'm a total foodie who dotes on my dog a ridiculous amount. But they didn't need to call us out for it
I thought it was funny in a cheesy sort of way. I think you have to be able to make fun of yourself because their is a lot of haters out there who think all Prius owners are nothing but tree hugging hippies. Not that that's bad, there's just a stereotype many people people have but we get the last laugh driving by those gas stations I think I took the commercial as making a joke out of that stereotype, definitely corny and cheesy tho hahaha!
I hated it. It is right up there with that very creepy commercial featureing a "person" made up of a lot of people.
The corniness is what made my girlfriend and I both laugh at it and it certainly would've made ME run out and buy one if I hadn't already LOL!!
If you don't like Prius c commercials, don't watch these Scion iQ commercials! Scion Goes Donuts and…Milk in its Latest Campaign for the iQ - Carscoop
I like that one way better than the Prius c commercial. At least the iQ commercial was funny as hell.
Let's see nothing drastic, just fire the approving Prius C marketing team, starting with who thought this commercial was a win.
Oh God... after watching the Game of Life commercial I am scarred for life. Going to go hide somewhere until my ears and eyes stop ringing....
And I thought the @$$ as a nose was awful... and the chick called herself out on it in the making of the commercial video... "I'm the nose!" would so not be admitting THAT! Mental note to self - don't watch bad Prius commercials. EVER.